
Would you make a good courtroom judge?

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Would you make a good courtroom judge?




  1. Have you ever seen Blackadder goes forth, when Gen melchet asks for the black cap at the start of the hearing so that he can pass the death sentence.

    Id constantly have the hat on!

  2. Yes because I have some common sense, more than can be said for the morons who sit as Judges at the moment. Judge in Exeter reprimanded again today for making sentences too lenient, this is the second time this year and one case was the rape of a child.

  3. Probably not - it takes years of experience and education.

  4. No, because like the other poster, I too would only issue death sentences.

    "My lord, the case for the prosecution is that the accused, on the night of 2nd September 2008, did steal a loaf of bread to feed his starving family."

    "The sentence of this court is that you suffer death in the manner authorised by law!"

  5. No, Judges make judgment calls. LE should never judge a criminal but arrest and incarcerate them for the public good. Judges decide if what the suspect did was considered justifiable under the circumstances I don't have to.  

  6. No!

  7. I don't know about in the court room but I sure would make the world a better place!

    I would continuously issue death sentences and clean house.

  8. I reckon I'd be pretty fair yeah, except on pervs who I think should be hung (come on you all thought in when you saw Gary Glitter on the news).

  9. No, for the simple reason that I believe in justice !

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