
Would you marry a decedent of a pig me that use to and maybe still does eat human flesh?

by  |  earlier

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if you no your husband is related to cannables would you be so dum to marry him cause of the attention you never had as a child , woundn't you worry about ending up in the pot some day




  1. really? cannibals? huh, thats an interesting topic. it think it'll be fine if they love you, just don't go for dinner, idk bout you, but i dont think id like eating human flesh.....but then are what you eat...and id probably rather be human than a hotpocket..hmm

  2. I surely wouldnt wanna be on their bad sides.

  3. no..i don't really plan on getting married actually

    and most people woudn't go near a cannibal i don't think

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