
Would you marry a fat guy?....A question for women.

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Girls, would you marry a fat guy if he was a suitable in all other ways: He is kind, supportive, treats you nice, has a decent job, would make a good father, etc. The only problem is that hes fat.

Also, how fat would you be willing to take? Up to what weight would you marry?





  1. Honestly?

    I wouldn't do it

    ... if I take care of me... what cant he do the same?

    ... The most weight Im willing to deal when it comes to a man is 220-225... and thats if hes 6ft or more....

    .... Plus I dont want my kids to have a fat father that is not willing to play with them or take our dogs out to a walk...

    ....And fat people tend to sweat a lot more... I dont think I can deal with that...

  2. of course, it doesn't matter if a guy is fat or thin muscular or not as long as he's nice treats me right and get along with then i would gladly marry him.

  3. Do you care more about the person on the outside than the person on the inside? It seems that you do based on this question. What is your definition of fat? Do you subscribe to the government/media's belief that a few pounds overweight is fat or are you talking extremely obese? Presuming that you mean the latter, I'll be superficial and say that I wouldn't because physical attraction and intimacy is a huge part of marriage and lack of such is one of the big reasons that so many marriages fail. That's not to say that I don't have friends who are heavyset because I do, but I am not physically attracted to that bodytype. I wouldn't give him an ultimatim to lose weight beforehand since his weight and what he does with it really is none of my business. There may very well be medical reasons as to why he is not able to lose weight through diet and exercise so it's not fair to automatically assume that he eats too much, which is the first and foremost reason that society makes, while completely ignoring the facts involved.  

  4. If you love him and are attracted to him and he is everything you described, and the only problem is that he's overweight...then should you be asking this question?

    However if you love him, I would assume that you'd want to make sure you have a happy, healthy life with him.  I'm not saying he would need to lose weight, but just ensure that he will be a good father to his kids and a good grandfather to his grandkids later on in life by staying active with him and eating healthy.  Good habits now mean good habits your kids would follow later.

    As long as he was a good guy and I was attracted to him and was completely in love with him, I wouldn't care how "fat" he was.  However, I'd want him to have a long, fun-filled and happy life.

  5. Definitely!! Outward appearance is not a factor when choosing a lifelong mate. His personal traits are what matters. And of course, love!!

    Up to what weight? That's a hard question. I'd say up to 300 lbs but, it really depends on the person mainly. Like I said, I would base this decision on traits not weight!

  6. If I loved him, yes. Personality, how he treats me, and the kind of husband and father he would make would be the only things that mattered.

    P.S. In asking a question, you don't restrict the type of answers you'll get. That's controlling the response and may lead to an unrealistic depiction of the subject in question.

  7. it all depends on how fat really, i am afraid someone who was happily way overweigth rolling around wouldnt want to marry me because of the health factor i'd be on them way before marriage became a question

    a few kg, no problem, but if its to the extent it can and will cause health issues that effect our co-life, me through the risk of loosing him before time, the kids for not having a dad who can manage to partisipate in their life etc

    then yeah if he is to lazy to get up and out loosing that weigth, then he is to lazy in personality, to selfish and unconsiderate of the effects his lazyness have on others

    so then no i wouldnt marry him

    its all about degree here, a little wouldnt bother me, a lot would because thats a reflection of personality trait and way of thinking, and it actualy affect other then the person in question as well because of the degree of decrease in fitness such a majorly overweigth person have.

    also you cant put a weigth limit on this, how much is too much will depend on the persons heigth and bonebuild.

  8. yes, of course I would, if I was in love with him but HOW fat are you meaning?

  9. If I loved him then it wouldn't matter if he was fat, even if he was 900 pounds. However, if he was 900 pounds then we would have to figure some kind of weight loss out because that is a little too unhealthy. Otherwise, why would it matter? You marry someone for love.

  10. ya i would marry a fat guy...... if he loves me, he gives me moral support off course everyone needs a chance not just because he is fat or thin or black or white or mexican or Asian it does not mean that he is not human. Fat guys are probably the sweetest guy’s on the planet because they think they’ll never get anyone cause of the fat…. But there is always exercise if there is a will there is a way! Good luck.

  11. Once a girl gets to know your other wonderful qualities, I don't think it would be a far stretch for her to overlook your being overweight.  I don't think women are as unforgiving of physical qualities as men are.  I don't think most men would even give a fat woman a second glance.

  12. If he was fat enough to be unhealthy , we'd have to talk.  I would want our kids to have a dad that could play with them like other dads. and I also don't want to lose my husband in our 40's to a big mac heart attack.   Love makes a marriage , but if he can't be there to fully enjoy it ,  then something has to be done    But my fiance is a stick , so I cant say that I would.

  13. Of course I would. It's the person that counts. I would much rather have an overweight husband that treats me right over a good looking husband who could care less about me...

  14. im dating a guy who is considered fat by some but i love him and he loves me and its not based on how much he weighs

    if you love him for the right reasons then i think you should marry him but the fact that you need other people's advice on decideding to marry him or not im going to have to say no dont marry him

    also you never said that you love him if you dont love him dont marry him!!!!

  15. i would.  i don't buy into the 'beautiful people' c**p!  as long as my man is trustworthy, kind, considerate, has good morals and good work ethics, as long as he stands strong in his beliefs, is of good character as long as he would put me and our children first, and as long as he believed in himself and us - i would marry him so fast it would make his head spin.  i wouldn't care if he were a construction worker, business man, gravedigger or a 'computer geek'.  i wouldn't care if he were ten pounds over his 'ideal' weight or fifty over.  its the man inside that counts and thats what i look for!

    good luck to you and i hope you have a great life!

  16. Love doesn't come from appearances in comes from within

    If my guy was on the large side id love him anyhow.

    What does appearance matter when you've found the right guy/girl to spend the rest of your life with?!

    Good luck x  

  17. Yes I would. I would accept him just the way he is too and not try to change him. I don't think I'm perfect and although my flaws may not be as visable as being 'fat" I do want someone to accept me just the way I am too. What if I got cancer and lost all my hair, or my foot had to be amputated. Would you still love a girl with no hair or a missing foot?

    People come in all sizes the size I look for is a big heart and an even bigger ability to forgive me for my imperfections.

    BTW, i am not fat and am considered attractive by some.  LOL just in case you thought this was an ugly fat girl answering you. ha ha

  18. If you love him, why does it matter if he is "fat" or not?! If he is perfect in every other way, then absolutely I would!

  19. Of course. I am one of them...a woman that is. :)  

  20. yes, it doesn't matter if someone is overweight as long as they acknowledge it and want to do something about it. however, it was an issue that someone was severly overweight then i would have to say no b/c i am so tiny, but that is just me. thanks;.

  21. NO.

    Why would I even consider a fat guy that is "kind, supportive, treats you nice, has a decent job, would make a good father, etc." when my bf fits all of those criteria AND has a hot muscular body?

  22. Of course I would.  My new husband is a little chunky (heck, I'm a little chunky, too).  I love him for all the things that he is as a person, not for what he looks like.

    When I started dating my husband, I had also started seeing another man, who was quite large (I'd guess 350 pounds).  He was funny, kind, interesting, treated me well, and was a college professor and an artist.  After a couple of months, I needed to choose which man I would continue to see.  I chose my husband for a number of reasons.  I do have to admit that one of those reasons was the other man's size: not because of looks, but I knew that he wasn't physically able to participate in some of the activities that I do, and I had to consider that he likely wouldn't live as long.  The funny thing is, I recently ran into the other man again, and he's lost a considerable amount of weight, to where he can be active, and is probably healthier.  Fortunately, I'm very happy with my husband, but who knows what would have happened had I chosen the other way?

  23. If I loved him, sure. I'd be slightly afraid of him... erm, breaking me, so to speak, in certain situations because I'm ridiculously underweight - kinda awkward, LOL. And, you said you'd give me a thumbs down, but if his weight was unhealthy, I would totally encourage (but not *make*) him to lose weight, for his health if for no other reason. What weight I'd consider 'fat' would also depend on his height and body type - if he was 5'6, then 200 might be a bit much, but if he was 6'1 and muscular, I probably wouldn't think of him as being heavy at all.

  24. you know what, the only girls that would probably say no are the ones you dont want anyway. Thing is, if they're into looks they're probably into money. Why are you going to want that? Looks fade and money is spent. What's left? I hope love.

    If a woman loves you, she's not going to spend time thinking "he's fat, blah blah blah" . she'll say awwww i wanna marry you too!

  25. of course if you love that person , you marry the person for what they are ,,,,  

  26. You love someone for who they are on the inside..not the outside...thats just a bonus..obviously...appearence is a factor..its what gets you in, I've had larger boyfriends and thats never been a problem for me. Its their personality and the way they treat me is what counts. So my answer is yes, if i loved him, it doenst matter if he is fat...or one eye..or one leg.

  27. I would if I loved him.

  28. Yes, I would marry a fat dude, as long as he truly had all the character traits you mentioned.  Depending on how tall he is, I think the weight is kind of hard to tell.  I don't think I would be attracted to someone who is seriously obese or doesn't have good personal hygiene.  Also, I wouldn't want to be married to someone who is ok with just being a couch potato and doesn't want to worry about having health problems in the future.

    I'm NOT saying all fat people are couch potatoes and don't clean themselves; I know that's not true.  I'm just saying those would be deal-breakers with any guy.

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