
Would you marry a girl who not only cannot cook but whose culture of food you don't like?

by Guest64520  |  earlier

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How much does this affect the relationship down the road. Looking for answers from all men but in particularly those who may be older and married or divorced. Thanks.




  1. Why not? I think that she can learn to cook what you like. You can teach her. Buy her cook books..

  2. No way, this is never going to work. If food is the decisive factor in marriage success, this marriage was started for all the wrong reasons to begin with.  

  3. marriage isn't about food...its about love...they have nothing to do with each other...

  4. Duh...get takeout! Or cook for yourself.

    I mean, my dad loves to cook, so much he won't even let mom in "his" kitchen! It's not that she can't cook, she can, and so can I, but...yeah.

    So it's not really that uncommon. She can cook for herself, if she wants, and you can cook for yourself.

    Just don't tell her you don't like your cooking, as that may greatly insult her.

    Don't let food dictate who you want to marry :)

  5. What does it matter if you don't like her culture's food if she doesn't cook anyway?  I'm sure you can find more important details in a relationship than babaganush vs. hot dogs.  Peace out dude.  

  6. Food and culture are very much intertwined.  This is a two way street:  you try to appreciate and enjoy her food, and she learns how to cook dishes which are more suited to your palliate. Also, you can cook.

  7. Why not! especially if she is willing to learn. I could not cook before I got married and was not interested in cooking either. My other half also dislikes the food culture of my country. No one forced me to do anything but, I learned how to cook slowly but surely anyway. My other half found it very flattering. But for your own sake, you should know that you sound a little like a spoilt mummy's boy who only likes certain food. Life is not that complicated and this does not have to be an issue.

  8. she can learn

  9. only marry someone you love everything about

  10. h**l ya i'm a cook and can teach her ///

  11. I know you don't like the food but you will find a taste for it later on. Focus on observing her character and mental situation and not on the food she eats. Most american women can't cook good, sadly. There so many restaurants and food delivery places. Just be happy God gives you food to eat at all.

  12. Yes.  Means you should make the food.  If you're going to marry her, I would hope she knows you well enough to know your tastes.  Or have her cook something for you as well as her if she's a house type woman.

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