
Would you marry a guy like this?

by  |  earlier

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-4' 11 1/2"

-red hair

-brown eyes

-a little on the short side


-freckles all over (but really cute ones, I swear)

-good sense of style

-buys you chocolates when you are meunstratinng

Would you dig a guy with "my brother's" stats?




  1. I wouldn't date, let alone marry, a guy who can only describe himself in the most shallowest physical terms.  What about his dreams?  His ambitions?  His personal characteristics that make him who he is?  His values?  His passions?  His beliefs?  These are things you build a marriage upon...not whether or not he has cute freckles.  You need to be in the singles & dating section my man.

  2. WTF! He sounds like Sir Oliver humperdink!  

  3. 4'11? The 'guy' is the height of a child! I'm almost freakin' foot taller than him. No way would I ever date let alone marry a man who was so short. For practical reasons that would just be awkward.

    Every man I would date and later marry would buy me chocolates when I wanted whether I was mensturating or not. I find that kind of odd that you even mentioned that...He'd certainly buy my feminine products and pick up my prescriptions for birth control too if I wanted. (that ideal guy, my actual husband that is...)

    Muscles are good, shows that he takes care of himself. Fat men are a turn off obviously, but a sense of style doesn't matter to me. I don't care about what I wear, so why would I want a man who cares about how he dresses? What a waste of time.

  4. how ole are u?  

  5. what re u 9 y.o?  

  6. Marriage is NOT based on any of those qualities!!!  I can tell you are young!

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