
Would you marry a someone who never wanted kids?

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Lets say if a man/woman treats you right. You love him/her, he/she loves you. If you wanted kids and he/she didn't, would you marry him/her and accept them for who they are? Or would you end the relationship over something not so important?

And if you don't want kids, how old are you?

And no girls, you can't try to change a guy's mind if he never wants kids.




  1. yeah i would bc i dont want kids either

    and im 15 kids just arent my thing.

  2. I think you should only marry someone who has all the same values and aims in life.

    It might take a lot longer to find someone to marry, but if people went back to that, there would be less divorces and less heartache and broken families

    Love is great.  And the issue of wanting children IS important

  3. yes i would if i really loved her and everything really worked out good;p

  4. I would say NO NO NO !  i need kids in my life and couldnt live my life without any kids in it.....So i would get to stepping and find a man that loves me and wants kids

  5. yea i think so, i am not sure if i want kids. i don't think i will want any, i know i can get my tubes tied (only when i am 18or older and i am sure i never want kids), and i am 14.

  6. That's tough. :-( I wanna have kids, but not now of course! I would probably understand why they don't want to have kids in the first place. Kids are alot of work and require alot too. I would compromise with him though. Since I want kids and he doesn't, I would say, let's have 1 kid and that's it. Or if he's really stubborn,,,, Idk Good question!

  7. If he loves me, he'll understand that I want kids. He and I would work something out.

    xox- Julie  

  8. If you feel like you really love them, I guess you could get over it. It depends though, because I'm just 13 right now, but I would think that if you were dating, you'd probably talk about kids early on (considering you weren't like, high school age.) So if I were in your 20's or 30's, and wanted kids, I don't think I'd even waste my time dating someone who didn't want them. But if I did happen to be with someone for a while, and wanted to get married, and then found out he didn't want kids, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It might be better that way anyways. Some parents get really stressed out by their kids, and you wouldn't want to raise unhappy children (they probably wouldn't be too happy if their parent(s) didn't want them.) And I think that it's better to have no children than children that hate you. If you really want to experience taking care of a kid, you could be like, a mentor or something.

  9. if i was in a situation i would probably not be with them if i was strong on my feelings of wanting children.

  10. yea id marry him. im 16, one of eight and i do not want any kids

  11. "Lets say if a man/woman treats you right. You love him/her, he/she loves you. If you wanted kids and he/she didn't, would you marry him/her and accept them for who they are? Or would you end the relationship over something not so important?"

    NOT SO IMPORTANT????  Are you kidding me?  If I want kids and he doesn't or vice versa, that's a big deal!  So I'm supposed to burst into tears every time a "Huggies" commercial comes on?  Please.

    "And if you don't want kids, how old are you?"

    I'm 22 and I'm not sure.  I haven't lived enough yet.  I haven't finished school (I refuse to have kids before I finish school), I haven't done anything yet, so I'm not sure.  I'm practically a kid myself.

    "And no girls, you can't try to change a guy's mind if he never wants kids."

    Way to state the obvious.  Not all women are obtuse baby-making machines.  Smart women know that you can't convince a guy to have kids.  Geez.

  12. That's difficult.  I am very very passionate about having children later on in life, so that could be a deal breaker for me, especially if the guy is just as passionate about not having children.  I can never imagine having a marrige that lacks children.

    And the children issue is SO important.  Trust me.  I have seen marriages break up because one person wanted children and the other one didn't.  Children is a major major issue for marriages, more than a joint checking account.

    And let's turn the tables on you since this is kinda antagonistic towards those who want kids:  If you DIDN'T want kids but the love of your life did, would you marry him/her and accept them for who THEY are??

  13. i don't think i could be with someone who didn't want kids. i've always known that i want to have kids...even if that means i can't imagine giving that dream up. i want to have kids more than i want to get married even. it's not really a negotiable thing for me. i would just hope that if i ever dated anyone that didn't want kids that i'd find out early enough to get out of the relationship before it was completely devastating.  

    for some people, it might not be as big of a deal. but i've had that maternal feeling ever since i was a kid. i certainly don't want kids yet (i'm 22) but i absolutely want them eventually.  

  14. A lot of men say that they don't want to have kids and they turn out to be great fathers. If I really loved him and he loved me enough he'd understand I wanted children and it would just be a part of our life together. If he refused, I wouldn't want to be with him because I love kids and I want to have that experience.  

  15. No i couldnt do that, i want kids sooo much i couldnt change my mind.  

  16. i heard about this couple on the radio in which the mother wanted kids, but the father wasnt exactly crazy about the idea.  however, when they adopted their first daughter, the father was thrilled, and they went on to adopt another.  i read somewhere that the woman becomes a mother when she is pregnant, and the dad becomes a father when he holds the child for the first time.  maybe knowing this would influence the couple in question?

  17. Sure, cause I don't want kids. I'm 20, and the whole pregnancy and childbirth thing sounds like so much not fun, and I don't even know if it would be possible for me in the first place, so it might not even be an issue of wanting kids.

    Although, girls can *try* to change a guy's mind about kids all they want, it just almost never works.

  18. yes and heres what i would do seduce him every night until i was pregnant then tell him.

  19. No. I'm the last person with my surname of my clan. Literally.

    I need to keep my family alive otherwise it dies out.

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