
Would you marry some one who dosent have a passport?

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Like he cant travel out of the current country he is in and has no benefits from the government ( health benefits, scholarships etc....).Also meaning that your kids would be in the same condition as he is.

Even though he is good and religious.




  1. u sharmoota

    "Lebanese who are envious of the Turkish people" NEVER

    u LIAR.

    i hope u burn in h**l u stupid w***e.

  2. Hello,

    No; you are always living in that situation having the sword of Damocles over your head. They need it to enter your country or vice versa; you can buy short term medical insurance for that person but what about them in the long run should they get sick? Also you have to keep your career in place back home and as the old Mexican proverb goes:

    Un amor de lojos

    Esta pendejos

    This essentially says long distance relationships are an SOB.

    Much as we are driven by love and attraction, there are times you must think with your head rather than your heart.


    Michael Kelly  

  3. I see your dilema.  But a lot of people in UAE are third country nationals... right?  Doesn't their economy thrive on the work of those from outside the country.  Emiraties don't do the blue collar labor...  So there must be some law.  All I see are TCNs for work.  Maybe that "someone" actually has nationality with another country (as in his parents country, citizenship), and can obtain a passport through that country.  

  4. No I would not.

    What does his religion have to do with it?

  5. Why should i get a passport for marriage? while I don't like to travell.

  6. If its that much of an issue just asked them to get one  

  7. he/she can make a passport, its not excpensive

  8. you mean a visa to england, australia or swden to escape from an islamic paradise?

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