
Would you marry your girl/boyfriend is you found their past job included stripping?

by  |  earlier

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Or being a willing prostitute?

Let's make this more interesting by not knowing this until a year into the relationship. They have no STD's, they have been completely faithful and wouldn't consider their past job again...

--Completely hypothetical =P--




  1. If they never lied about it, it simply hadn't come up before, why should I have a problem with it?  If I had asked and they lied about it, then there would be an issue, but it would have nothing to do with their job.

  2. The minute the girl told me her past involved work as a stripper, I would expedite shipping on a pole and install it in our bedroom.  

  3. Yeah, if they love you and you love them, and they have been completley faithful. And if they didn't lie about it, like say no i used to work at McDonolds or something, then yeah. Why not?

  4. I would hope people would relax about this kind of thing.  I stripped for 8 years and it has never led me to cheat.  Now I've retired years ago and would never do it again.  People really glamourize that trade to make it sound cool but it's boring, just a bunch of girls in too much makeup with gum stuck to the carpet everywhere, that's all I remember.

  5. I would eonder why they kept this a secret from me for a year- thats the bigger problem.  Lack of honesty!  

  6. Did they lie about it?  Lies are the bigger issue

  7. If I loved her, then of course I would.

  8. of course!

    think about the positions in bed..the amazement!


  9. It wouldn't bother me in the least if I'd known from the get go, which I would have because I'm not judgemental and don't make women feel that this is something to be ashamed of. If anything, I'm attracted to people who just do what they want or have been challanged by life.

  10. i still think it's an absurd idea to have the existence of male strippers.

    but if it happens he was a gigolo once,

    idk.... since virginity is a virtue to me  

  11. Why not? I mean I could kind of understand if they were ashamed of their past and didn't want to bring it up before. So even though a lot of other people would be upset about them "lying" about it, I wouldn't be.

  12. Yes, I would marry him if he was a stripper. You would have your own personal entertainer..hehehe.. lol..Now if they were a willing prostitute, ummm..I don't know about that one.  

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