
Would you mind being a part of this idea to educate others on Yahoo Answers...?

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I have been asking questions on what people think about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict recently a great deal. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten great answers.

Do you mind asking this question in relevant categories whenever you can:

"What are your thoughts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?"

Also, can you gather some basic information on the root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and ask questions about what you learn on here?

I want many people to join in on this idea, this great idea to bring education on this conflict to the people on Yahoo answers.

So, are you with me?




  1. You need to begin with the British-French promise of an independent Arab state back in 1914. That's where all this c**p got started.

  2. I always wonder why someone who knows all of the answers asks questions here....if you know the answer, don't ask...

    As for an answer so I do not get reported....I do not think a great deal about the conflict....seems like a couple of groups of people who have been killing people for years are continuing to kill each other....what  a legacy to pass on to your kids.

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