
Would you mind if I changed mine?

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Gun Shy Kisses-(+)-


A woman from the next street

caught my eye

she glared at me

ill favored purpose burning in her stare

Shoving the map to Kay

safely away

I walked

to escape her looks

and found

that foul eyes follow

She wore the countenance

of one like me

A killer

A thief

No real rate

save her talents in death…

-The original twist I had planned may be a tad trite… so, here, in this part, I am attempting to shift it… but do not worry, it will have the same essence… only more twisted…

Blessed Be in Changing Ones’ Mind, Siren




  1. Hi Siren,

    Here are some paring suggestions for you to consider, do what you will:

    A woman on the next street

    caught my eye

    ill favored purpose burning in her stare

    Shoving the map

    safely away

    I tried

    to evade her gaze

    She wore the countenance

    of one like me

    A killer

    A thief

    No real rate (wasn't sure what this means)

    save her talents in death…

    So, a few minor suggestions. I'm interested to see how this turns out.

  2. Is the huntress becoming the hunted?  I am confused at this "twist" of fate.  This is telling of how our seductress/assassin feels about herself.  That makes her more vulnerable.  And softens her around the edges.  All very interesting.  Thank you.

  3. Now there are two assassins or did I get something wrong here?  Cheers !!

  4. I like the use of the "extra" words like - "she glared at me". You are telling a story, creating a scene and trying to set the tone of your characters. Sometimes the etiquette of poetry (like cutting out extra words) does not apply. I like the piece as written ♥

  5. You're always welcome to change your mind. I think I know the twist you were planning, but remain unsure. Whoever these eyes are following here. I'm suspecting something along the lines of a false contract...and someone in reality is being sent to kill dear Charlotte. So, is Kay a farce, or does she actually exist?

  6. Todd is always right. You can make this more poetic, but, it is a cool story.

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