
Would you mind if I smoke while you eat ?

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Its a common asked question, I do not think its offensive but some do. Should I ask such a question.




  1. yes, i would find any smoking in front of me rude

  2. u should'nt even be smokin u need to quit it

  3. smoking ban best thing ever  beats me why any one would want to suck that S***e in your lungs  

  4. Asking is considerate, but not smoking is best! :)

  5. Only if people who you are with aren't aware that you are a smoker. All my friends...know that I usually I don't ask because I know they don't care. In addition...they never ask me if I mind that they have an alcoholic drink. I don't drink....but they do...and I don't mind. I find it odd that smokers are required (through proper etiquette) to ask this...but meat eaters aren't required to ask vegetarians....and drinkers don't have to ask this of non-drinkers. Also...parents who bring their unruly kids into restaurants never have to ask if it is okay if their kids disrupt everyone's meal.

  6. It's a good question, but if one of my friends asked if they could smoke while i ate - i'd say "i don't mind, but most restaurants don't allow smoking inside, so you'll have to go outside", and then go back to eating.  

    Plus... i'm one of those guys who gets anal when someone touches my food, let alone burps towards me, so smoking right next to me when i'm enjoying my pastrami sandwich which i paid good money for would just p**s me off - so take it outside!

  7. that's really inconsiderate of you. you need to ask!

  8. if you asked, probably not. but i hate the smell and second hand smoke

  9. I'm a smoker myself and personally I don't like when people smoke near me while I eat it just annoying to have smoke in your face while eating its not offensive to ask at all its very considerate but the more then likely answer from most would be Yes they do mind if you smoke while they eat its better to move away even outside

  10. yes you should defiantly ask the question!

  11. as a smoker, i usually smoke around smoking people. however,if the person with me doesn't smoke, asking is a good gesture, and most likely the person in front of you would feel bad to say yes. Just to be polite, make sure you sit against the wind, so the smoke from your cigarette will not bother your friend

  12. You have every right to ask, and the fact you are considerate enough TO ask speaks to your character.

    I for one do not like to smell smoke while I eat. I'm a non-smoker who is mildly allergic to smoke, so it's a negative thing for me.

    That being said, not everyone minds it, and I would say each situation is different and thus warrants the question each time.

  13. Personally, while I'm eating, I do not want to breathe in smoke. I think most non-smokers would agree. Although it is very polite to ask, it's best to just refrain from smoking while someone is eating.  

  14. If you are a smoker, yes, definitely you should ask. BUT don't get your nose out of joint if the other company says that they would object.

    Personally, I wouldn't object to you smoking, having had to put up my wife's smoking until she died of cancer.

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