
Would you mind if your daughter was a tomboy?

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  1. I actually want my daughter to be a little bit of a tomboy. I'd like it if she was a good mix... like me. I don't mind getting dirty but at the same time I like to dress up sometimes too.

  2. iit wOouldnt boOther me at all_yoOur chiild iid yOour chiild regardless!

  3. Mine is!

    She is only two but hates dresses and plays with her brother's toy cars all day.

    And no, I don't mind! Her sister is a little fairy so I have one of each anyway!

  4. all my girls are tomboys i don't think there is anything wrong with it. and my oldest (she's 14) is one of the best teenage girls there is (doesn't even look at boys like the others) I'm sure she'll grow out of it eventually or not i never did and I'm just fine.

  5. personally i was a tomboy when i was a little girl, and i am now 21 and am very, very girly. I grew up with 3 older brothers and i guess from hanging out with them all the time made me a tomboy! Its definately not a bad thing, i was the only girl in my grade who really knew how to fist fight! HAHA! So the only advice i can give is, be patient and hopefully its just a phase she'll get through.

  6. oh gosh....she's so little right now but i think i'd almost prefer it!!!

  7. Wouldn't bother me at all. My niece is a tomboy, and my daughter is very girly. They play nicely together but my daughter doesn't like to get as dirty.

  8. i wouldnt mind... id want her to be very girlie but it dont matter.

    please click on my proflile and answer my question


    pretty please

  9. Great question! I would be supportive of my daughter and strongly encourage my two year old to play with her cousin's building blocks and 'action men' at the moment, as well as her dolls and kitchen sets. It's appauling that so many modern children are being 'stereotyped' and moulded into their gender role through children's toys. I firmly believe in letting my daughter experience the best of both worlds! Very often, people who do not know me well come to my house and wonder if I also have a young son due to the variety of mixed "gender-type" toys we have at our house!

    I think when people find out they're expecting a little girl, the second picture automatically comes to mind, as it probably did for me too. In reality, differences are what make us unique :] I think both of those girls in the pictures are just adorable, despite the games they may choose to play, the clothes they want to wear and the toys they have at home.

  10. Of course. I am raising her to be a godly woman.  But if she was this(VIEW ONLY IF OVER 18)

    But she is meant to be:

  11. No, of course not. I would love her still. Being a tomboy isn't so bad.

  12. I wouldnt mind at all. I would love my daughter no matter what.

  13. I wouldn't care. Your daughter is your daughter. A girl is a girl. I would love her all the same.

    When I was younger, I wasn't a tomboy or a girly-girl. I wouldn't mind wearing dresses, but I HATED the color pink.

  14. No, my 18 month old daughter can throw a golf ball 6 feet. She'll be throwing baseballs in no time.

  15. i used to be a real tomboy, and i only wore long sleeves and jeans, and i wore mostly black, i only hung out with boys, i did dirtbiking and skateboarding. etc. it bothered my mom but she realized that i'd probably grow out of it which i did, i guess you just have to wait it out, and if it's not a phase just accept it, you'll love your child no matter what.

  16. Of course not. Being a tomboy is a part of their personality, as well as their identity. Does not bother me in the slightest, as i would love regardless.

  17. i prefer tomboys cuz you dont have to worry about them and boys as much =D

    i used to be a tomboy and i dont think its much of an issue personally

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