
Would you mothers out there who breastfeed..Would you consider?

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giving your weaned child expressed breastmilk(assuming you were breastfeeding a younger child) if you became sick in order to pass on the immunities to your older child?




  1. no, because breastmilk isn't a vaccine, it doesn't work by innoculating your child against whatever illness you have.  It is wonderful for a babies immune system and does help pass on certain immunities from the mother.  But it is unlikely that feeding a weaned child breastmilk would significantly prevent him from getting sick.

  2. The child would not have to be given the milk. They would already be exposed to the same germs.  

  3. I would ask a Dr. If they say it would work I would do it.  

  4. Yes, certainly.  Human milk has benefits far beyond the infant period.

    Human milk is used in other countries for treament of many diseases, including cancer, and is starting to be used in the US.  

  5. I wouldn't give them milk because they already would have their shots and exposure to germs that would be the same thing that I've been exposed to.  So it wouldn't even matter if I gave them breastmilk.

  6. I would but my older daughter is 6 years old and could tell the difference...but if it meant to keep her well I would try too

  7. If it would be of benefit, without a doubt.  As for the taste, you can make a smoothie out of it or stick it in some oatmeal.

  8. I really don't think it would help at that point, but absolutely I would if I felt it would help, and my child wanted to drink it.  It's been three years since my youngest weaned (at 2 years old), so I'm not sure she'd like the taste anymore, but if I thought it would help, I'd see if she'd drink it.

    For those that seem to think that a child drinking human milk is is it different from drinking milk from a cow, except that it's their own species?  Why do people seem to think that once a baby reaches a certain age, it's better to switch them to milk from a different species?!

  9. I sure would! A couple glasses of expressed breast milk will do your older child's body good! =]

  10. When my second baby was 11 months old he had a nursing strike and I pumped for 8 days.  I gave my milk to him in a cup.  My daughter was almost two then and she wanted a cup of booby milk, too.  So I gave her some.  She had a little bit of my milk every day until my son started nursing and I stopped pumping.

    To answer your actual question, yes, I would give my milk to a weaned child to pass on immunities.

  11. i would call the doctor on that one...

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