
Would you move in with strangers?

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I really don't want to, but I'm starting to look at craiglist apartments because I have no choice and I can't afford to live on my own or with anyone who has offered me a place that I knew. I'm going sat to see an apartment that I've found on craigslist, but I've never heard any good stories of people who've done that before. What do you think is it worth it?? The location of this place is PERFECT, but there's two guys who live there and they both are stoners...




  1. I would only move in with strangers if they were hot bisexual women.

  2. You need to speak to these people before you move in. Ask them questions that you have on your mind. Like if they have girlfriends or how often they clean the place. But in general you shouldn't be moving in with two total complete strangers especially if you think they're doing drugs. Your better off living with your parents or staying over a friends house (but don't be a burden).


  4. Ive been a room mate and had plenty of them...all from craigslist...fortunately Ive had all good experiences.  But you have to do you research and get everything in writing.  Good luck.

  5. in this day and age..... h**l 2 the No!!! Its wayyy to dangerous.  

  6. You would be insane to do that, esp two guys who use drugs. You can and should find a tiny place even if it's just one room as long as you're on your own, use some common sense and good judgment before you ever consider a crazy move like that, you'd be inviting trouble.

  7. NO WAY DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, LIKE PREVIOUSLY SAID THINK ABOUT YOUR SAFETY,keep looking ,i know its easy for someone to say who is not in your position but thier are so many issues you must consider. good luck

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