
Would you move out of the US?

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I've given America 22 years of my life. I've gone to college here, done community service, and served in the national guard for 4 years. I'll tell you why I'm not objecting to living outside the country.

I plan to adopt. In looking out for the best for future generations of my family. I cannot stay here and rely on the school systems. Even though some teacher are great and deserve great pay some are completely inadequate and we're talking about my child's most influential years. Even if I shelved out the money for private school I still think some European and Asian countries may be more acceptable and worth the money. They are also more strict.

The American diet is a death trap. Made of large portions and fatty meats. For example Greece doesn't have the best doctors but their citizens have the longest life span in the world as well as the least amount of heart disease cases in the world. Mainly because of their healthy eating habits.

Religion. I have a degree in anthropology so I learn about all cultures and religions and I respect them all. I rather be a part of a country that truly separates religion and politics (there's a difference between morals and politics and religion and politics) I want the country my children live in to have their government consider them regardless of their religion. I'm actually agnostic.

and last but not least the environment and public transportation. We tax people every year to make more and more roads that able more and more cars to enter the street. When we can use the same amount of money increasing public transportation and even generate more money to fund it by charging fair fares and using more efficient methods of energy to eliminate greenhouse gas and help the environment. Plus just by walking to bus stops and trains my children will get more exercise reducing the chance of childhood obesity like it in the US.

I don't doubt that the US can make these changes. Its not rocket science. Other countries have been doing it for years. America needs to stop avoiding issues and apply some easy fixes to the problem. And maybe I'd be less uneasy about raising future generations of my family here. What do you think?




  1. Go for it. I'm American and I would never move (mostly because I don't like drastic change) but If I were you, I'd move to Japan. It's a safe country, the education is great, technology is superior, more kids to adopt, etc. I been to Japan 5 years ago and was really amazed how different it was there compared to here. Just keep in mind that any place you go will have it's ups and downs. Good Luck!

  2. I would move, but not on a permanent basis.

  3. Singapore seems like it would be your best fit.

  4. research school districts, some are better than others.  otherwise there's still home school.  moving to greece wont fix your diet. eat less fast food and take a good look at what you cook at home. if you cook the exact same meals in greece, nothing's changed, except the doctors aren't as good.  your life expectancy will go down.

    moreover, you love the US and its your home. do you want your kids to feel the same? because they won't if they live elsewhere

    the point is, you have to think about every aspect of your decision before you make such a drastic life change and ask yourself if its truly worth leaving versus maybe staying and advocating for the changes you've described

  5. I would.   I am thinking about myself.  As history major in college, I can not think of a better place than Greece.

  6. good luck with your future  I hope you adopt the right child and find happiness!

  7. i would move out of the US but only to a place like austarlia, when i travel to other countries its bugs me how unorganized things are.

    and austrailia is pretty up to beat

  8. If you want a change without being drastic, Canada is a wonderful choice. That way, if you ever feel homesick, it isn't too difficult to return.

  9. Move to Canada. :)

  10. I  couldn't  personally care less what you do with your life, however, I will say that much of what you wish to change about your life can be changed through YOU and not your government. I have adopted through foster care. Our schools suck....they are the 2nd worst in the country. So, I quit my job and will homeschool my child....NOT in some pseudoChristian education, but in real, legitimate studies.

    Since I quit work, we have had to cut back on spending. We have started raising our own crops and I have enough fruits and veggies that I can feed my family. It is work, but it is far healthier than the pesticides that they place on the fruit in your market. I still eat meat, but it is only through companies I know to be safe....which requires research on your part. Diet is YOUR decision. You choose what is on your table and what goes in your mouth....choose wisely.

    With religion, it sounds like you need to move to an area that is not overpopulated with religious people....while I understand your problems with religion these days, the fact is there are numerous other problems in Greece or any other place, so running away isn't going to fix those problems....confront them. Do something about it. Don't leave the other nonreligious people to deal with it with less support.

    I understand your feelings, but there are problems in every country. How we address those problems and how much effort we put into solving those problems will be what makes us stronger and what makes our country greater. If it is something you cannot negotiate on (education) then find some way around it...find some way to change it before you have a school aged child. Advocate for better education, less religious influence in schools, etc.

  11. It nice to find someone open to other cultures.  No country is the best, but it's right for you to find a country that best find your needs.  I will move if I find another country I will like to live at I'm still young so. Anyways I will love to travel to see what's out there for me and to find out which country will best refill my needs and which country will be best for me.  Nothing is wrong with moving out of USA and nothing is wrong with moving to USA either.  So really I think people need to learn about other cultures and to see which country is the best for you to live in.  Just because you were born in a country doesn't mean you have to stay there for the rest of life.  More people need to get out there and see what other countries have to offer to see which country you would like to live at so you wouldn't be stuck in a country you don't want to be in.

  12. I plan to be a multiple citizen. I love American and would love to remain a citizen till I die but I see no reason to limit myself to one place. This is a big world and I want to enjoy it.

  13. Stay and try to help make these changes.  We need your energy and dedication!

  14. sweden

  15. i am sure everywhere has it's draw backs.not everything in the world here or there is easy on it's about more where you would like to experience a new culture more.america doesn't force you to eat bad that was our choice all long as well,but for the school's.many cultures would complain of something they do not get to learn.or do not have the proper things to work with,that's just life.we could if we like help our own kid's more .but more feel they rather plan to see a school do it alone.we could as well go to the libraries if we wished to learn on our own if we put our minds to it is more about us doing our job too.but as i said it's as well whoses working more harder to advance that takes the will of that child too.

  16. i am european by birth and raising, i managed to hook up with a wonderfull US boy though which can not leave atm, so presently was just one moving choise

    long time aim is def Europe though, for some if not all the same reasons as you, how US manage to run around day to day is beyond me with the level of ignorance in some...looking around YA after i joined it, I am shocked at the reality of lack of common sence, yeah we joke about the warning label to coffee cup but i always just thougth it was a gimic for some cheap b*****d to sue his way to wealth, I hadnt thougth it seriously was so bad that in many cases that was the actual level of 'education' (if it can be called that)

    and i know there are many wonderfull people there, i got many friends from US gained at the same place i got to know my BF, but I guess that place attracts those who paid attention in school, cause yeah no wasnt till YA i got the "shock"

  17. The truth is that i'm an army brat. i'm currently stationed in japan with my family.

    Yes most Asian schools have better education and diets, but most off-base schools still use corporal punishment. teachers are allowed to hit the students.

    Yes, i've learned a lot about the japanese culture from just living here. My Japanese teacher says that the best way to learn a language or a culture is to be thrusted into the community. it forces you to adapt in a more fun and unique way then from text books.

    Yes in Japan, off base you see alot of traffic but you see a lot of high schooler and middle schoolers riding their bikes or walking to their school.

    Japan is also really known for it's safety. i hope i didn't force to much onto you. but moving away from the states is a fun experance.

  18. greece

  19. i' may not be american, but your points seem valid. i know america is blessed but i'd never want to live there, if i had to move i'd definitely move to europe like england or holland where i already have family. but where would you go?

  20. You made some really great points. And yes, I would move out of America if given the chance....probably to Europe. Some of the countries seem to have a lot better lifestyle than we do. I enjoy the European culture, but sadly, some of that culture is going away due to mass immigration from other countries. (consequence of the NWO)

    But, places like Australia/New Zealand have never appealed to me for some reason.

  21. Actually Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world, and yes, if I ever did move out of the US I would probably move to Australia because they have no real enemies, or Japan

  22. Hi, I see your point.. I'm a military brat so been living around the world  nothing new to me. To be honest, most of the time when Americans move overseas.. we usually bring our customs with us.. So are you really leaving the U.S... not really

    Its pretty cool learning other cultures tho

  23. Nice plan. I'm going to move to Canada when I can.  

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