
Would you move to Europe if it wasn't so expensive?

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Would you move to Europe if it wasn't so expensive?




  1. I already did it recently and wish I had done so 10 years ago. I am lucky enough to have dual citizenship and to have found a job here that helped pay for the move.  To all the Americans who say things like "Yeah, America has its problems but it's still the most free country in the world" You could not be  any more wrong.

    Compared to most of Western Europe the US is a police state where the citizenry must watch everything they say and do an walk on eggshells lest be accused "commiting an act of bad citizenship" then be labled a "potential terrorist" to  end up on a "nofly list".

    The US has become everything it used to despise and most Americans are either too stupid or ambivalent to either know or care.

    I think I'll stay in Europe for a while, or at least until the US starts getting its act together, which I don't see happening  anytime soon.

    My advice to anyone in the US considering moving to Europe: If you have the means, do it.

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