
Would you move to Ottawa or Montreal if you had a choice?

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Why and why not? I'm considering staying where I am (on the Quebec side of Gatineau, 5 mins from Ottawa) or moving to Mtl. We want to buy and not rent. Should I move or stay? We plan on starting a family within the next few yrs.




  1. I don't think that I'd ever move to either Ottawa or Montreal but if I had to choose I'd probably choose Ottawa as they speak a lot more French in Montreal and my French isn't the best.

  2. Montreal hands down it is such a comfortable city...relaxed atmosphere for such a huge city. Ottawa is just wayyy too fast paced and stressed

  3. I'm from GTA I love it here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else but if "I had to" I would move to Ottawa because it is generally regarded to be one of the safest and cleanest cities in the world

  4. You should moove to ottawa, I live there and it;s so much fun. There are los of programs for children and adults of all ages.

    If you dont want the big city moove to greater Ottawa--- Metcalfe, Greely, Vernon...

  5. It is a difficult choice.

    Wait, I reflect!

    Here we are, I found: Montreal.

    It has to be a beautiful city.

    As for me, I shall soon go to Saint Jérome.

  6. I've only ever lived in Montreal and visited Ottawa on several occasions, so my answer is a bit biased. I found that when I went to Ottawa, there was not really a lot to do there in terms of a nightlife. Sure, there are some bars and good restaurants, but they don't have the football team any more, the hockey team is out in Kanata, and other than the Remembrance Day and Canada Day festivities, I never really heard of special events to go to (not saying there are none, just saying it's not common knowledge outside the city)

    As for Montreal, as soon as it gets warm outside, the city becomes alive with a party atmosphere. We have festivals almost every week or weekend from June to August. Montreal is famous around the world for the Grand-Prix, the Jazz festival, the Just-for-Laughs comedy shows, and the international fireworks competitions. We have a great downtown area of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and various things to do.

    For family-oriented events, we have the water slides both at La Ronde and at Super Aqua Club. There are parks and bicycle trails all around the city. We are also very multi-cultural, allowing for an exchange of ideas and helps to let young kids grow up without any prejudices against various minority groups.

    I think I would be happy to live in either city, but I think that Montreal would be the one I would enjoy more to raise a family in.

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