
Would you move to Stockton CA or Clearwater FL?

by Guest59899  |  earlier

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If you were a single mother of an elementary school age child and you could move to either of these two locations which one would you choose and why?




  1. No.

  2. I've never been to florida but I'd turn down stockton

  3. definalty California. Flordia gets to many hurricanes

    california only gets like a fire every 15 years,

  4. I don't know anything about Stockton, CA, but I did spend a lot of time in Clearwater.  As a mother of young children (or young child, in my case) I would not want to live in Clearwater. It's very touristy, there has started to be strange sorts of crime and vandalism there, and the Scientology headquarters is there, as well.  

    Pocket- I lived in Tampa, and Clearwater is nothing like the city of Tampa.  It's a completely different place!

  5. stockton has a healthier climate....

  6. Naturally, being a resident of Florida, I'm going to be biased.  I think California is "NUTS" so I wouldn't live there in a million years.  But putting my biases aside, try the link below.  It compares the two cities in a myriad of categories to give you some ammunition when making your decision.

    One other benefit to Florida is it has no state income tax.  That may have some bearing on your decision.

    Good luck and choose wisely!

  7. Do you want "San Francisco" or "Tampa?"

    (That's really what you're asking...I'd go with "Tampa...")

  8. Personally I would NEVER move to Florida. Its way too commercialized, all the retirees (I'd hate being around a bunch of non working people all the time), horrible weather (hot and hurricane prone).

    I love California especially the bay area. The weather is great and mild, it has a great mix of cultures there. You may be able to buy a home cheaply there since the the sub prime market hit hard out there in the last few years. I looked it up on wiki and the place seems fabulouse.

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