
Would you move to a different state to make your point (see details)?

by Guest63188  |  earlier

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Many g*y people have been moving to California from states like Florida to take advantage of the over-turning of the anti-g*y marriage ammendment.

But some g*y people are staying in their home towns and criticizing other g**s for "ghettoizing" themselves and not sticking around to fight for their rights at home.

The same could be true of many other political issues...

But would Christian Fundamentalists consider moving to a state that made it very difficult to get an abortion?

Would you consider moving to a "liberal" or "conservative" state based on your ideals?




  1. Why would you move to California just to get a same s*x marriage?

    You can just fly/drive to California, have your same s*x marriage, go on your honeymoon or whatever, and then go back home. You don't have to be a resident to be granted a marriage license and a marriage in one state is legal in any other state under US law...Otherwise people who elope in Las Vegas wouldn't have a problem.

  2. No, I make my point valid living right where I am.

  3. I am considering a move to Maryland so I can opt out of the illegal Socialist Security Ponzi scheme.

  4. already did.

  5. Yes (more like move from/avoid). I do so all of the time. I purposely moved out of California due to their policies and superficial mindset (not ALL people in Cali).

    I refuse to live in states such as Mississippi due to their racial bias.

    If gross injustices began in the state that I live in AFTER my arrival, I would stay and fight tooth and nail.

  6. Often times it is not a matter of "ideals" rather a matter of reality. For instance, family members get benefits not afforded to people living together, if fighting for one's "ideals" could mean that a loved one would not receive medical care that would be idiotic. The same could be said about just any other subject.  

  7. Every state has a place where people will find like in kind people. I would surely check out the city where I was going to move. There are some states I could never live in because of my views.

  8. If people moved to liberal or conservative states based on their ideals, then the liberals would hang out on the coasts and the conservatives would get the land locked portion.  Sounds good to me.  

  9. I have.  However, I wasn't as happy as I was at home.

    So I moved back.

  10. No.  I like my neighbors!!  If I do not like the way my state legislature is working there is local action I can take.  I simply like where I live and enjoy socializing with my friends and neighbors.

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