
Would you move to where you can walk to work, even if it cost $1600 per month in rent?

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I am going to be leaving the country at some point in coming months and will be away from anything civilized. I am trying to think of how I can maximize the quality of life factors.

Now, I have cheap rent further away from the city but I could gain an hour of sleep and walk to work if I move. However, the rent is higher and it is near likely places where terrorism could occur, which is also something to think about.

On a day to day basis, it would be awesome to walk to work and not worry about gas or other transportation though.

It would eliminate parking, commuter train costs, and gas costs, but it also costs more a month in rent.




  1. Well, you have to figure how much more $1600 is from the lower rent. What is the lower rent?  $800?  $1200??

    You have to figure not only the cost of gas, but the wear and tear on your tires and car.  Figure $.40/mile to figure what you are really spending.  

    Your extra time in bed and eliminating the stress of the daily long drive is probably worth at least $200/mo to you right?

    If the rents costs you $500/mo or less more than the cheaper home far away, then it is definitely worth it.

    It depends too on how much you make etc.  Also you need to feel safe.  

    Could you find a co-worker to ride-share with?

    I don't know all the facts, but whatever your gas costs, triple that amount for wear and tear on you and your car.  If it is only $100 difference one way or the other, then go with what feels best to you.

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