
Would you muslim guys be okay with cooking for your wives?

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Because I don't think I can cook for my husband, I don't know how to. I'll clean the house though, but both of us have to take care of the kids.




  1. Probably not....i can't cook at all.  I can make toast though, but i always break it when i try to put butter on.   I can do tv dinners pretty well though.  

  2. of course i'll , it's my duty to cook as it's my wife's duty also  

  3. I think you can both go to a cooking class toghther and make a romantic affair out of it....

  4. I agree- wife is a wife not a cook or a servant

    One thing though- keep me happy and satisfied.

  5. Well I do COok for my Wife sometimes When shes Not feeling Well . Else she Cooks Yummy Food for me all the time !

    Theres No one ON this earth WHo comes as a professional Chef . So in ur case While u Browse Y/A try going to any Websites from where U can  read the recipes and start Cooking ! U will be a Pro in 6 months ;)

    Enjoy Ur Fish ! My Bengali Sister !

  6. yes a muslim guy will be okay with cooking. my husband cooked for 12 years then our schedules changed and now i cook, or we alternate. communication is key don't assume anything! good luck

  7. huh?

    personally i don't mind.

    but what does Islam have to do with that?

  8. whell, i have no talent at cooking except when it comes to pasta...i make a mean having a wife who can cook is important to me. id like to say that most important thing is her iman, but as a 16 year old with flaming hormones, id say her looks are infinitely more important than anything else...although i dont really have a chance with a good lookin girl because im not hat handsome myself, but with all the prayer i make for having a beautiful wife, im hoping that allah will make a miracle for me, as he has done for me so many times b4

  9. Yes offcourse .. Why put all the burden on her..

  10. Sure, I'd love it. I enjoy cooking for my grandma and mom right now. It won't be a problem at all.  

  11. LOL..

    whats up with everyone askiing ''husband'' and ''wife'' questions?!

    LOL.. its getting creeppy :S


  12. If a man can do that and clean the house for his wife, that's a true sign of love.

    I can definately do that.

    Why make her do all the work?

  13.   No problem here.  Not the greatest cook, but I can throw down in the kitchen-

  14. Hi,

    I am not Muslim but know quite a few Muslim men who are in the restaurant business and are terrific cooks there and at home.


    Michael Kelly

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