
Would you not agree that boxing ismore of a mans sport to football?

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In boxing the trainings a lot tougher, you have to be a lot fitter as you require a lot more energy. There's nowhere to run or hide!! In football you can still get on the pitch and play, you also got another 10 player you could pass the ball to if you need help or run out of steam... Boxers slug out 12 x 3 min rounds. No crying because they got hurt or because they clashed head, just men to men slugging it out to the final bell!

I love football myself but I think boxer deserve a lot more recognition then they get, if not more than a footballer.

Why is it that the ugliest footballers get the most beautiful women?

Boxers can earn more money than a footballer so why don't they have women falling at their feet? I no it shouldn't be about the money but in reality thats what it boils down too!

Is being a footballer the way to a womans heart?




  1. Being able to punch doesnt make you a man

  2. If that's true, then bare-fisted boxing ought to be even more manly. Or how about "Rollerball"?

    As for the ugliest footballers getting the chicks, I'd bet that's attentional bias. In other words, it's not true accross-the-board, you're just noticing a few cases where it happened.

  3. depends on what your defenition of a "man sport" is... girls can punch and kick ten times harder than they can run, usually... thats where the debate comes in.....

  4. Top boxers have some pretty good looking women. Oscar wife is an attractive woman.  David Haye has a flock of hot women.  So do a lot of name boxers. Joe Calzaghe is getting married to a model.

    But these guys make up like less then 1% of the boxers out there. The rest are scrubs.

    Unlike football, where you have to be good even to make it to the draft. Boxing has no such weeding out process. So yeah,  a total tomato can boxer not going to make the money, or have the fame, or the women that a top boxer has.

    Plus, boxers, especially top boxers, are a dedicated bunch, and when comes to training and getting ready for a fight, they often cut off relations with their woman until after the fight. Many boxers, like Pac-Man, still uphold to myth that s*x is bad before a fight, and stated he does not have sexual relations with his wife until training and the fight is over.

    So takes a special kind of woman to deal with that, and seeing the person they care about trading shots in the ring.

  5. If by football, you mean soccer, then h**l yeah.  Soccer is atrocious in the way the players pursue the holy grail, or penalty kick as they call it.  They'll writhe around in their umbros and shaggy hair as if they've just been shot in the knees while a team of medics rush over with a stretcher.  It's all very dramatic.  And what the h**l is the deal with tiebreaking with the penalty kicks?  Very lame.

  6. It's probably more along the lines of Footballer = fame + money .. attractive to girls that are after wealth and a good life.

    Boxers train harder, longer nearly every day (Doesn't Amir khan train for like 11 hours 6 days a week or something like that?). Some Boxers aren't as good looking because they've got smooshed noses and there's a lot more chance of them getting hurt.

    Personally I think boxers are more manly then footballers, but I don't really like either sport. I prefer Rugby. Footballers have a weaker althought still manly image. You see a lot of girls play football but how many box or play rugby? they tend to be stereotyped as butch

  7. No

  8. your using bad logic. overgeneralizing based on little or no information.

  9. Physical sports is not longer a man's genre because now women are boxing, playing football, basketball, wrestle and the list goes on. I find it shallow for women to fall for guys who are athletes and not look at the substance and content of the person. What's makes a man is a person who is responsible for their actions and not use sports to prove their manhood.

    By the way play these sports because you enjoy them and have a passion for it. If you use them to prove how tough you are and/or get women you are in it for the wrong reason. Not all men are gifted to play physical sports and that does not make him less of a man.

  10. I prefer rugby myself, and what makes it great is that my missus enjoys watching it too.

  11. To be physically tougher is not everyones definition of a man.

  12. there both man sports

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