
Would you not bother with a local purchase if it had to be by money order instead of a personal check?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting a website business and don't want to accept personal checks because our city has a lot of people that like to write bad checks. Do you people would consider it a pain for them to go out and get a money order/bank check/certified check? I'm going to have a PO box for them to send it to.





  1. I would say the only forms of payment you MUST take are credit cards. That'll work for 95% of all customers. Those who write checks should already be used to having to either get a certified check or being told to find another payment.

    Who uses checks anymore?

  2. to me it would be a pain-can you set up a paypal account and then except debit and credit cards through it. The problem is going to come because if they are purchasing something online then they probably do not want to go anywhere. If you have any questions about paypal email me and I will fill you in it is really a sinch!

  3. I do not know what you are selling, sports cars or Rollex Watches or bags of peanut shell mulch.  The demand for your product or service will depend on the value you are offering, so nobody is going to go to the expense and trouble to buy a money order or cashier's cheque for buying a pack of gum.

    For mail, you can ask for a cashier's cheque, a money order, or a credit card number with a signature on a form.  You can put the credit card form on your website so they can print it out.

    Now, you are talking about a local purchase. Again, this does not sound right by the way you ask your question.  Local purchases usually are for cash or on a credit card when people walk into a venue such as a store and put their value down on the counter.  Since you are on the internet, that leaves out cash, and, you are going to be posting your advertisement messages all over our country and probably the world as well.  Never consider the internet as a local market unless you are posting on a message board for that local area.

    I do not know what else to say.

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