
Would you notice if your MP disappeared?

by  |  earlier

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While MPs are considering how much they should be paid, I was wondering what the general view was on their value.

Mine is a Labour scumbag, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to engage with him.




  1. No.

  2. Would I f**k!

  3. NO   i woulnt miss mine ,never seen him whats more , probally his date book full up ,,,diners out with the rich of the area, all free no doubt

  4. I wouldn't even know who mine is... So I guess I wouldn't notice if he'd disappeared.

    Now if I lived in Henley and had good old Boris, then I'd probably notice him disappear...

  5. don't even know the name of mine

  6. Question should be, would I care if my MP disappeared ? My answer would be NO to either question.

  7. not at all

  8. I don't even know who my local counciller is let alone my MP. I am not obviously the right sort of person that he/she wants to deal with.

  9. No, I'm ashamed to say.

  10. Frankly I'd be pleased if he disappeared he's completely useless and once was caught in the 'cash for questions' scandal - unfortunately we live in a deeply Tory area and there's no chance of dislodging him unless he falls off his perch.

  11. Mine just got in and campaigned loads, more than a 1/2 dozen leaflets were dropped through the door at different times. He seemed very personable, Liberal. I live in a village though which is more accessible, I could go knock on his front door as he only lives in next village.

    But we have to vote to knock the fat cat megalomaniacs down a few. Knock them out at the top and work our way down. Many are power crazed and full of s#it, but if you send them letters telling them what a wonderful job they are doing and that you voted for them in the last election (even if you didn't) they are only willing to listen to you. Its all about the bull we have to play them like they play us, a bit of ego stroking and we could have them eating out of our hands. We have to make an effort too.

    However with 1 in 4 people working for the Government on OUR behalf, many take the pi##, its an easy life and I want them to justify breathing because I've found oiks on reception desks are only happy to look down at us when we ask for assistance at the local council office, many are just wannabes, who never will be.

    Some Politicians have spirit and tell it how it is, such as George Galloway. Whatever you may think of him he is tough and knows what he is talking about in my opinion. Don't knock him he is a good one. He sent us his book I recommend you all read his story it exposes the real spineless Labour Government.

    I am upset that billions of pounds are getting put into Nuclear Submarines, and I support Greenpeace for there active spirit.

    If you have any respect vote for them.

  12. who is MP, what does that stand for?  Apparently i wouldn't notice if he disappeared, I don't know him!

  13. Who?

  14. No she's as much use as a chocolate teapot and she's Tory

  15. I wouldn't know if my MP disappeared, I don't know if it's black or white, male or female or in-between or what it's called, let alone what colour rosette it wears.

  16. dont even know who my mp is so no.

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