
Would you object if your partner wants to go on a boys or girls weekend?

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Would you object if your partner wants to go on a boys or girls weekend?




  1. Yes, I am not too fond of his "boys", they tend to forget their boundaries and most of them do not have stable relatinships and/or kids. although there are a few have seen the light and one is expecting so it would be fine if we all went on a weekend getaway. I dont mind if he does a night out with them.

  2. No, my wife used to often have weekends away before her promotion at work, my only major issue was that by 5pm on Sunday afternoon my head was ready to explode and all measures of my patience had been totally exhausted from watching our son the entire weekend alone........

    My wife would never cheat on me, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind, she would rather die.

  3. No hassle. She loves to see her friends once in a while (as she should be able to) so I have no objections. Like Bull, I know my wife would never cheat on me.

  4. No I very often used to go shooting at Bisley for the weekend and both of us have been on holiday abroad alone we have never seen it as a problem. I soon plan to have a boys weekend in Amsterdam there have been no objections only how long for from my wife.

  5. No, we've done it a few times but it's not something one should make a habit of

  6. I most certainly would not object. I have no right to allow or disallow my partner anything. If he chooses to be unfaithful then he must suffer the consequences and that would mean our separation. My partner can go on 'any weekend' he chooses, even if ladies are involved. There is nothing more stifling and poisonous for a relationship than trying to restrict your partner for whatever reason. The only time I will get annoyed is if he plans something else when we already had arrangements. The most important thing in a relationship is trust, and that also includes SHOWING that one trusts.  My husband’s best friend is female. I adore her too.

    I spent (unplanned) six months in South Africa! He called every second day and knew there was no problem. While other people in his near insinuated daily that I would never return... he did not allow himself to be swayed by their nasty speculation. He understood that I HAVE to visit each member of my family lest they feel insulted and angry if they were left out.

    I would not be able to live with a partner that believes he has the right to restrict me, and would never do it to my partner. Being overly possessive is an illness and can only destroy a relationship or force a partner into being deceitful without actually wanting to.

  7. No, My girlfriend usualy goes away for the weekend abot 2-3 times a year for work and ocassionally its just a Saturday afternoon/night with her friends and that does not bother me , I am a very trusting person and i dont think she will cheat on me , In fact she gets upset because i dont get jeleous or ask too mant questions about where she is going or what time she will be back , etc , she takes it as if i dont care , but its my way of saying , i trust you , do/go/come/ as you please

  8. No I would not mind, my husband goes away overseas anyway so often for his business, sometimes 2 weeks at a time, I am used to it by now, or rather trying to get used to it. He has booked  a chalet/house a couple of times for me and my friends in the past, and has send me twice overseas on holiday with a friend. But ultimately deep in my heart and to be very honest, I hate it when he is away. We see so little of each other as it is, I would rather that he spends weekends with us as a family.

  9. No I don't mind .. my husband goes on a boys weekend or night ,, also I go to a girl weekend .. that way we miss each other   ;)

  10. No, he often goes to Bremen to watch soccer with his friend and then sleeps over and drives home the next morning.

    Or he goes off to braai with his best friend (known each other for  45 years or so), spend the night because the friend´s mother, now 82, regards him as her third son.

    And 2 years ago he went on a Safari, 4 men alone, thru SA, Zambia, Namibia and Botswana and then I joined him in Cape Town afterwards.

  11. i dont mind at all. more PS3 and poker time for me yahoooo!

  12. I would never object to my dear man going on a boys weekend because I trust him 100 percent and I know that his definition of having fun is beer and a lot of male friends only cracking jokes the whole time.

  13. I wouldnt mind at all. I trust my partner

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