
Would you of liked to have been a wife of Henry VIII?

by Guest59603  |  earlier

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Would you of liked to have been a wife of Henry VIII?




  1. Sure.. I don't have any hats.. so having no head shouldn't be a problem

  2. No lol

  3. No!  The man had syphilis!  Not to mention a foul temper!

  4. "have" not "of".

    I don't have the equipment to have been a wife of his! lol

  5. Oh yeah that would have been so cool lol. But I would only be the last wife I suppose it's better living your life in royalty then as a peasant living in the streets.

  6. I was in my previous life

  7. No thank You.Would not have even liked to have lived in that era.

  8. No, I wouldn't have liked to be one of Henry VIII's wives.  

    Never mind about his wailing about being cursed with "ill-conditioned" wives - they all seemed to be cursed with him!  

    Katherine of Aragon had the best of him for twenty years; then she was banished to gloomy, damp castles, abandoned to die alone and not being allowed to see her only daughter in her last years.

    Anne Boleyn had a good early start; however, with only one daughter (again!) to show for it, she had her head lopped off.

    Jane Seymour might seem a good bet but even though she gave Henry the longed-for son, she didn't live long enough to bask in her glory.  Mind you, she also (luckily, perhaps) didn't have a chance to live for years giving birth to daughters, or having still-births or miscarriages, which might well have happened.

    Anne of Cleves got divorced because Henry didn't want to offend her brother, so got off with a nice pension as the "King's Sister".  Lovely - but she never married again!

    Poor little Catherine Howard wasn't very bright.  She was given a chance to save herself, but didn't take it, and we don't know why, really.  Anne got the sword, but Catherine got the axe to remove her head.

    And finally Katherine Parr: yes, she did survive Henry, but died in childbirth (by her next husband, Thomas Seymour) not long afterwards.  The child, Mary, disappears from history.

    So, no - nobody did very well!

  9. Oh yes, I just love the thought of having my head cut off.

  10. If he was really Ray Winston I would!

  11. Definitely not, I'd go off my head.

  12. No. I would never even want to be near that arrogant, stupid, mercenary person even if he was the king of England. Trying to think about it, how stupid could he get? He just went on and married the girl he was attracted to no matter how calculating and ambitious. I might be a bit of ambitious but I would rather be Queen Victoria or Queen Elizabeth II.

  13. no.

  14. I don't think so.  He was a very selfish man with a quick temper.  Probably not too much fun.

  15. h**l no!

    Penicillin was not around then!

    But Henry's waist was "around"!

    54 inches!

  16. No thanks, I like my head right where it is.

  17. yes.. he must have been corking in the sack.. mmm...

  18. No he was a smelly fat bast*rd

  19. Well obviously not!

  20. don't think so - most of them had very short 'shelf' lives!!

  21. Yes. I am fascinated by that era.

    I would like to experience both sides of the coin, royalty and the common folk.

    how the lives were so different , how the law changed to the mood of the king, how the food was cooked, preserved and eaten, how people felt when the kings religion moods changed to suit him.

    I love it!!

  22. When I'm beheaded at least I was wedded

    And when I am buried at least I was married.

    Oh, what beautiful things I'll wear

    What beautiful dresses and hair

    I'm lucky to share his bed

    Especially since I'll soon be dead


  23. Not likely..he had Venereal Disease..his legs ran with puss he must have stank..not too mention his penchant for lopping of the heads of his thanks

  24. YES!

    I would have loved to be Anne of Cleves!

    She was (despite the rhyme) the longest surviving wife who lived in great luxury after she agreed that her marriage to Henry was invalid.

    She officially became the Kings 'Sister' and was often at court dancing with her replacement wives.

    Yes I feel that she had a good life.

    As for the other five wives no thank you!

  25. h**l No!!

    He was an self-centered person who saw women as disposable baby factories. Marriage to him would be a life of misery.

  26. No, I'm not into men.

  27. obviously not

  28. just the one that survived him

  29. Not really!

  30. Not really. The prospects for survival were not too good.

  31. I was in my past life.  <joke> lol

    No I wouldn't.  Even if he looked like that Rhys Myers bloke.  Cheating flanderer.

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