
Would you participate in a well planned National Stuff Your Fuel Day?

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Would you participate in a well planned National Stuff Your Fuel Day? If every one in the USA excluding of course Police, Fire, and Emergency Vehicles was to stay at home, ride a bike, walk or use another form of transportation that didn't require Fossel fuel for one day would you participate?




  1. Yes, but how about making the change permanent?

    Always bike or walk or bus it to work?  Move closer to your job?  Encourange local government to build dense communities with full amentities (how many suburbs only have gas stations and grocery stores, but nothing else??)

    One day does not a change make.

  2. yes, i think that would be good =D maybe that would help people realize that its not that hard to ride to the grocery store or to school and maybe even to work, it can actually be fun =D

  3. Yes all cars must be gone forever ride your bike my grandma does,Step it UP We want a carbon Tax,Carbon tax on internet, it would increase gas $3.00 a gallon increase food and goods because of shipping cost .and a increase in electric 1/3 higher,so I believe if it is a problem lets fix it by Shut off all electric 6 days a week,only drive bike one day a week, only turn water on city for 2 hours a day, We have to save earth mandatory prison in dark cell, SAVE the EARTH get SERIOUS,

  4. forget that, you will have to fill up the next day. Keep you auto tuned , proper air pressure in your tires and slow the h**l down. If a million people did this it would save more than a million gallons a day.

  5. Yes I would. My quetion for you is this,Would you be willing to help start A Revolution Towards A greener PLANET?

    I am talking about where our group would be removing evry personal car from opperation.Any means nessary to get them out of opperation. Forcing the WORLD'S PUBLIC TO STOP RELYING UPON FOSSIL FUELS IS A NOBLE CAUSE.



  6. Yes, well I'm not from the USA, I love my bike and I don't have a car.

  7. it would have to be a weekend..I have to use my car to get to work..

  8. Totally. This has been attempted before, without much result.

  9. we would try, you might want to throw in car pooling as an option if you need to drive...

  10. No as it is too far.

    You would have better luck with a national "drive the speed limit day"

    If we could get everyone who drives on a road with a speed limit 55 or greater to drive at the speed limit then gas consumption on that day would probably decline by a solid 10% or slightly more. That is because people who drive 60 on a 55 speed limit road lose at least 10% of their mpg rating on the car.

    Cars are rated at 55mph, and manufactures make cars to have the best gas mileage at that speed normally.

  11. absolutely

  12. What is the point of this 'action'?  Who is your political 'target'?  Why would this be effective?  Define effective?  etc. etc.

    You may want to reread your college economics textbook, especially the sections on market forces and supply and demand.  These are the forces that drive fuel prices and energy consumption.  A one-day political stunt will have no long term impact on these market forces.

    So, what would be the point?

  13. Of Course! I know I would (even though I'm not old enough to drive anyway) but htat would kind of suck because my school is along a busy highway and is miles and miles away, and i dont have a bike. But what about boats? because i dont know if motor boats give off fumes. if they do i can ride my kayak to school along the beach then just cross the street to school :)

    it would be cool to se all kinds of people walking along the freeways and stuff. But it would not be good for.. say.. the single mother who has to take an infant and three pre schoolers to school. Or someone with a broken leg who has to cruth all the way. Or even someone with congestive heart failure who needs to get somewhere. Or even the able bodies bussiness man who's office is hours away by CAR.

    Listen to this idea:Last year everyone thought my health teacher was mental. He grew a beard. He rode his bike to school every single day. He wore a hat made out of a polishe d gourd. In class, he always told us about the ideas he would do if he became president. Everyone laughed, but I thought that it could be the starting point to develop great ideas.

    1) Pave roads with 'that rubbery stuff' made of recycled tires that you find at playgrounds on the floor.

    2) Take away roadside parking in front of beaches, so we can see the beauty, not cars. Instead , bulldoze the countless 7-11's that we have every 5 minutes down the road, and make a parking garage. With road side parking in front of the beach, I kinda get the point of 'they paved paradise to put up a parking lot'.

    3)Have community bikes that are bright yellow. whenever one needs it, they just pick it up off the side of the road. adn when theyre done just leave it where thye are, like on bike racks that are just for that.

    4) make everyone ride bikes :P

    I wish i could say that the holiday is a good idea, but it isnt. Not everybody is able bodied. In fact, most of us aren't.

    If we had horse buggies that day, that would be another story...

  14. No because this global warming is a scam and we must let the world know that is what it is about . There are people that are making millions with this scam.

  15. I think it's a good concept but like ride share day and no smoking day it won't catch on unless there an actual benefit for the individual participating, like casual Friday.  Maybe retail business could give a 20% discount for not driving to their store or your job could let you go home early if you're riding a bike.  

    This has got to be a long term change to work, not just one day.  How much impact do you really expect?  What about business that use transportation, like the airline industry?  I work at LAX and do you realize every 20 minutes a 747 that takes off is carrying about 50,000gallons of fuel?  And that's not counting the other airports and the thousands of other planes that take off or the ground support equipment that's running day and night.  

    I use less than 2 gallons of gas to drive to and from work but once I get there I drive a truck that gets 5 miles a gallon and work on a plane where the APU runs for 3 hours using about 4000 gallons of fuel.  Then put 60,000 gallons of fuel in it. Then I do another.

    And you want me to ride a bike to save TWO GALLONS of gas for ONE DAY???

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