
Would you participate in the National Day of Silence?

by Guest44926  |  earlier

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The National Day of Silence is a day where students across the US take a vow of silence in order to bring attention to anti-LGBT harassment. Would you take part in such a day?

See the Facebook page for details & spread the word.




  1. Definitely, I did it last year, along with a lot of my friends, and we were silent together.

    People should be treated as equals.

  2. Yes! Why not? though, it'd be a little bit hard I have a big mouth.. O.O.. By big I mean I talk alot...:D

  3. I think that it is a commendable idea, and I applaud everyone who takes part.

    However, I don't think silence is the answer.  We need a National In-Your-Face Day.   Speak about the atrocities that are happening to g*y kids (and adults).  Show photos of kids who have been g*y-bashed.  Memorialize those unfortunate ones who couldn't get the support they needed and ended their own lives.  Be LOUD.    

  4. I have participated for many years but I am no longer a student.

  5. day of silence, night of noise

    yeah, i intend to participate. it is a bit akward when you need to keep your professors happy. . . so every year i intend to be silent i end up answering questions in class and blowing it.

    the night of noise part is easy. a nice loud in your face party :-)

  6. i would not participate in it.

    the kids who do participate at my school just take it as a joke. they wear tape on their during class and such....but in the halls and at lunch you see them take their tape off and start talking and laughing obnoxiously. i think that brings negative attention to g**s since they are not taking it seriously...and half of the kids who do it just do it for attention anyways. i'm g*y and i wouldn't want to participate in something that's not taken seriously at all.  

  7. Ya, anything to support g*y/L*****n rights.  They deserve to be treated equally.

  8. Definitely, but why are you asking just students?

  9. I know this is for a good cause but what if someone talks to you?

  10. Why? I am all for g*y rights, but not talking isn't going to solve anything. If you want to fix something, be LOUD.  

  11. Not at the moment. I'm in the closet at a homophobic school, so the last thing i'd do is not talk for a day and explain to everyone why! My friend's school (we're in edmonton, canada) did it though!

  12. Yes of course.


  13. Yeah if i lived in the US i'd do it

    it sounds good way to raise awareness about LGBT discrimination

    and to stop harassment

  14. would like to try it but not sure I could go a whole day without talking, what if your given something and dont say thank you

    or bumping in to someone without saying sorry

    this has to be very hard to do

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