
Would you patronize a restaurant if you knew the management abused its employees?

by  |  earlier

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I worked at a Pizza Inn where the managers constantly yelled at employees, were told not to speak to each other, some people didn't get paid on time, was called a stupid B.... & when I quit was called an "old hag" & a "loser" by the manager, who hit me on the back (hard enough for me to be moved back 2 - 3 feet) because I didn't give notice. I've reported this to the CEO & he's looking into it, but I doubt these people will change.




  1. I was a member of management for many years in both a burger joint and a pizza delivery restaurant and I don't understand how this place you worked keeps employees at all. Its not like working at a pizza place is not a dime a dozen job. You need to bring up criminal charges and sue the company. Touching you in any fashion is a form of sexual harassment and so is belittling you. As far as would I eat there....why would you even consider giving them a penny's worth of profit out of your pocket?

  2. If I was aware of the mistreatment/abuse I would first of all speak to the manager, then to the next level of supervision until I reached the owner.  I would not frequent the establishment if there was not a change in behavior.  All employees are to be treated with respect and courtesy.  However, you should not have quit without giving proper notice.  This does not excuse the behavior of the person who shoved you.

  3. Did you think of calling police.....hitting you is assault.  I am sure they mad because you did not give notice,but hit you....yelling and name calling goes on in a lot of restuarants and other companies.  File compaints sue do whatever makes you feel better,  but how would patrons know of this abuse?

  4. true physical abuse is illegal and unfortunate, sorry bout your experience.

    On the other hand, the restaraunt is an industry full of criminals, crooks, addicts and nut jobs. You have to be a nut job to get through some of the pressure. Anyone working in a resturaunt knows this. you have to have VERY thick skin. and if you cant take it or are offended if someone calls your momma a "hoe" or says the n word or you overhear what some guy stuffed insided his...uh...turkeys butt last night you are clearly in the wrong industry and you will become unwelcome as well. Some cooks are in the BOH because thats the only place we know how to "behave".

    Mannagers are idiots, I hope you win in court. find another proffesion, however, florist, perhaps?

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you worked in those conditions. You were being harassed and did not have to put up with that treatment from your employer. I would contact the BBB and never go there again. The manager should lose his job or the restaurant will go out of business because of lack of proper management. That is terrible.

    No place that cannot respect its employees would ever get my business. I just hope the places I have dined treat their employees with respect.

    You worked hard I am sure and did not deserve any of that, nor did your co-workers!

  6. The managers sound like such jerks. I wouldn't ever dine in the best restaurant in the world if i knew the managers were being physical and insulting. It was a smart thing to do to report them to the CEO. Posting this question on Answers is the perfect way to spread the message and maybe those managers will learn some manners.

    Good luck and I do hope the CEO does something about it.

  7. You should of called the police,

    however if someone hit me on the back because I just quit.... I'd punch them in the face.

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