
Would you pay $4.95 for art of this quality?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering, because I've been trying to get commissioned on deviantART in exchange for a subscription worth $4.95, and haven't had any takers (except a couple friends).

I didn't think I was charging too much, because something like those pictures above take me a long time to finish and a lot of hard work. But after so long without anyone taking an interest, I'm thinking differently.




  1. Personally I wouldn't, because I'm more into realism and that kind of thing, but I know a lot of people who would. Good job!

  2. I'm not crazy about the first one, but the second is definitely worth it, and the third is too.  $4.95 isn't much at all.  People are just cheap.

    I don't know much about deviantART, but I couldn't figure out how to find the place to subscribe.  That might be part of the problem.  n00bs like me who don't know how anything works. ^^

    Also, a lot of people may not have a way to pay.  I don't know how this works, but a lot of online things take paypal, and I don't have an account.  So again, n00bs like me.  ^^;;;;;

  3. well, i think that $4.95 is a bit too much. its not bad, and its not really really good. its good and all, but maybe lower the pirice from like $5 to $4? c how that works.

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