
Would you pay money to be in a food fight?

by  |  earlier

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Would you pay money to be in a food fight? You know like those old fashioned cafeteria high school food fights.




  1. No, but if someone paid me, I may consider.

  2. no. I also would feel guilty with all the starving people in this world. Horrible idea

  3. This would be a great idea for a business. I would only feel good about it though if you used spoiled foods, so you'd have to work out a deal with a local grocer.

    I work in the grocery industry and we spoil a shameful amount of food. I always make my 40+-year old female co-workers cringe when I jokingly guess "how many homeless families all that *could* have fed" I guess that's not funny.

  4. no.... and I also wouldn't do it if someone paid ME

  5. Nope

  6. Hey heres an Idea...... Lets WASTE food !

    NO !

  7. Why not - lifes too short to refuse a food fight.

    Give me a custard pie and i'll start one now!

  8. no, never.

  9. No..........

  10. no way

  11. lol no way i wld if sumone paid me tho

  12. Being in a gigantic food fight has always been something I've wanted to do. I would definitely pay money to be in one, as long as its pretty big. I wouldn't want to be in a small insignificant one.

  13. Yuk! No!

  14. no thanks

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