
Would you pay someone 10 dollars to paint your house numbers on the curb?

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Would you pay someone 10 dollars to paint your house numbers on the curb?




  1. I would if my house number were not visible from the street after dark.

  2. why not?  Its ten bucks so people can find your house easier.

  3. Yes, sounds reasonable.

  4. well, there are people in my area, i don't know if they work for the county or for no one, every year, they come around and paint over your house numbers on the curb... without asking.  then the next day they offer to paint the numbers back on and they charge more than 10, i think 20ish.  to me it's the biggest scam ever, but everybody on the block seems to let them do it.  so my answerw ould be it depends.  if it seems like a scam, you should tell them to stay the h**l off your property.  if not, let them if it seems worth it to you or just do it yourself.  a quick trip to home depot can get you the right paint and the stencil if you need one.

  5. yes! wow thats like 5 pounds....go for it, before he makes it 50!

    but then why would i want to advertise my house number...sorry just being security conscious.

  6. of course! it would be great to support some local kids if they were doing it in my neighborhood. i live in Portland Or. so, i've not seen any of this in our local neighborhoods though i've seen it in the burbs!

    i pay each year to have our neighbor kid frost the top and bottom parts of our outward faing windows for the holidays. same price, $10 for two huge windows and i supply the frost stuff.

  7. Yes, because the 911 emergency people need to see the numbers in case they are called to an emergency situation on your street.  It would be worth it to me to know they could find my house quick if needed.

  8. I guess my cheap side is showing.  Why would u pay someone to do something that u can do yourself?  Makes no sense to me.

  9. In most cities it's against the law. I have never seen it enforced but it's still against the law. So is door to door soliciting.

  10. I would if they supplied the paint  and showed me a good stencil they were going to use, unless they can prove to me they can do a neat job doing it freehand.  Maybe pictures of other jobs they did or recommendations from other local people.  Good idea for a kid in high school to make money!

  11. Occasionally local cheerleader or football other fund raising groups have come to my house to ask about this. The best ones had reflective paint so that the fire dept can find your address at night...a great selling point for the service. I think ten bucks is a very fair price if it is light reflective paint.

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