
Would you pay1.62 million dollars for a baseball card?

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i would not do this its pretty stupid when people are starveing here in the u.s.a!




  1. This card is arguably the biggest hoax ever in the sports memorabilia industry. There is evidence - dating back before McNall-Gretzky bought it at auction years ago - that the card was cut from a sheet and altered in other ways to make it look so pristine (along with what is essentially a bogus rating of the condition of the "original" card). It just shows how adults will believe in Santa Claus when it comes to collectibles....and in an industry with so much bogus autographs and "official" gear in the marketplace.

  2. Well you don't have a multi-millionaries mindset( to him 1.62 million is nothing and it was a holy grail item for him to have).  What's to say that this person also does not donate millions to charities if that is what you are getting at with your comment??  Simple fact, you are judging someone without knowing them.  Would it be fair for this person to tell you ..why are you buying a $200 IPOD when you don't have a pot to p**s in??  Everyone values material things complete differently so what is c**p to you could be gold to someone else.  If you are soo concerned with starving people in the USA, go donate your time at food shelters instead of wasting peoples time reading your meaningless post!!

  3. Since I will probably never have 1.62 million dollars at one time I guess I wouldn't

  4. I agree with you. Any person that pays that much money for a baseball card is insane. Don't people have anything better to do? What can I say, we live in America...

  5. Two points immediately come to mind:

    1. Don't be a hypocrite. This is the person's discretionary spending. Should you give up your internet connection or cable tv or stop going to baseball games and give the money to charity instead? What percentage of a person's wealth can keep to spend on themselves? What percentage should they give to charity or the community? Who gets to decide that and why?

    2. Don't judge people if you don't know all the facts. This is obviously a wealthy person who most likely worked very hard to get wealthy or stay wealthy. How much do they already give to charity? Do they serve on the boards of any charitable organizations? Maybe they use their business connections to bring large donors together for other charities? There's a good chance they give more time and money charity than you do.

  6. No but if I were selling a baseball card I'd want someone to pay 1.62 mil for it.  

  7. If the guy has the money to buy an expensive card, it's his money and he could spend it the way he wants to.  

  8. no

  9. If I was wealthy enough to buy an authentic Honus Wagner, yes I would. There are plenty of wealthy people who indulge in pleasures that tickle their fancy and still do charitable work and give large donations to various charities. Just because you work hard and achieve success like that doesn't mean you have to give it all away. WTF are you to tell wealthy people what to do with their money? I can't stand the jealousy of some people.

  10. no i have a life lol

  11. if i had 1.62 million dollars i defiantly wouldn't waste it all on a stupid piece of cardboard

  12. No I wouldn't, but then I wouldn't breed a basenji with a min pin either. It's much saner to invest in the baseball card.

    BTW, excellent point, Mr.B!

  13. Of you have the money you can do anything you want with it. Anyone who does ay that wouldnt have given that money to charity and if they do donate to charity im sure they donate plenty to homeless shelters etc.  Those no way normal ppl can help the starving people all they can do it cook and give money to homeless shelters.  The fact that people ar starving has nothing to do with this question. theres people with money people who have some money and people who have none.  thats justthe way it is. communism doesnt work.  I feel bad for those people but 1 person cant give all those people money so they could live/

  14. Heck no.  

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