
Would you perfer a guy to propose to you on one knee?

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cause i think its romantic wen a guy proposes the right way cause it shows they care




  1. I dont know i think its a cute tradition, but a little awkward for me, cause then you will be staring down at him and the height levels will be all messed up and its just weird.

  2. Yes, My husband didn't and I think it set a bad tone to our whole marriage.

  3. yea...its always been like the ONE thing that i'll need to make my proposal special


  4. It's not the way to propose but the best thing is that don't see the way he proposes but how he behaves & loves and takes care of you after he proposes.

  5. Who does that sort of thing nowadays? LOL

  6. My fiance got down on one knee and it was great, I actually cried. Although, any way he decided to go about proposing  would've still made me happy.

  7. I'm not a very tradtional person, but, I think the proposing on one knee is a good old fashioned tradition that is still very romantic!!  My fiance proposed to me on one knee.

  8. personally I'm not into the traditional stuff- if a man is heartfelt  and serious, it's romantic for me. (though my husband did propose on one knee)

  9. Yes. Depending on how he does it. If it's in an appropriate place yes. If it's while he's driving or walking in the middle of the street no. -Though if a guy proposed to me that way I would say no.

  10. Yes, I hope that when I am proposed to that he will get on one knee. It seems more sincere that way...

    Or maybe I just love watching romance movies! ;) Either way, the answer [for me]  is yes :)

  11. Yes & thankfully he did because as traditional as we both are I would have been horribly disappointed if he hadn't.

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