
Would you pick up a hitchhiker?

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  1. if they had a child with them yes. otherwise no

  2. I have a few times -- but not in a long time. Mainly because I mostly drive a commuter car and there's stuff on the passenger seat. Also, I'd rather not be bothered while I'm listening to some radio show.

    But when younger, I had no problem with it as I can defend myself.

  3. Mybe. If they stopped me while the car was still and they asked nicely where I was going and if they could ride with me I'd do it. And only if they were female or perhaps a man, woman and child. And perhaps if they would have been teenagers. And maybe not even in these cases. You can't be too careful these days.

  4. no way

  5. Not in a million years.

  6. Yes ~

    Although, a singular answer is NOT the whole answer as a descision as to whether to stop for this guy or that girl!  It would be based on a number of factors that are not easy to define nor to articulate.

    However, under the terms of the lease of the Motorbility car I drive, any descision is taken out of my hands; I'm simply not allowed to.


  7.     Never. There is always a chance that the hitchhiker is some type of criminal, and I'm not putting my life in danger.

        Thanks for asking. :)

  8. h**l no.  

  9. If there was 2 people in the car, and I had a gun in the car, with the person in the backseat having the gun accessible and ready....then yea sure...

    But i don't have a gun, so h**l to the no i wouldn't.   Probably the ONLY TIME i'd EVER pick any hithhiker up would be the college kids walking to school (although they're not necessarily hitchhikers) and anyone on a military instillation.  But on the highway, and out there in the boondocks?  Newp.

  10. yes, if i was in that situation

    i would want a ride too...

  11. Doubt it.... so no.

  12. h**l no, unless it was tommy chong

  13. Not after seeing Texas Chainsaw Massacre... Who knows what other shenanigans I could get into with a hitchhiker?  

  14. Absolutely not--that would be the height of foolishness these days.

  15. Sure.

  16. Only if I knew them.

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