I have a 5 month old, who sometimes likes to roll around in her crib at bedtime. I'm not talking just rolling around. I'm talking banging on the mattress with her feet so hard she shakes the bed, grunting, squealing, rolling over and over until she's at the other end of the crib, then rolling all the way back over. She bangs herself into the side of the crib too, which makes me nervous, because she got her legs caught in the rails before. She wears a sleep sack now, so that doesn't happen. She doesn't cry, but she yells out and when I go check on her, she squeals and wants to play. She's a crazy baby lol! I don't usually pick her up and she will usually fall asleep in a half hour or so. I hope that's ok to do. I have never let her cry it out, because, well, she doesn't cry too often. Would you pick your baby up if she/he did this? Is this the same as crying it out, even though it seems as if she's just playing? Is this normal? First time mom, here...