
Would you pinch-hit for A-Rod in this situation?

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A-Rod has had another weak offseason. One solo HR and hitting .111 with men in scoring position. It's the 7th game of the World Series, top of the ninth, down one run, bases loaded, two outs. It's A-Rod's turn to bat. You have a good defensive third baseman on the bench and some proven pinch hitters. No one has faced the opposing pitcher, a lefty closer, before the Series. He has pitched 3 perfect innings and has 3 saves in the Series. He is still pitching well; the bases are loaded because of an error and two soft hits. His fastball and slider are working well and he's not throwing many balls. You're the manager. Do you send in a pinch hitter? Would your answer change if you are 75 and you've announced you are retiring after the season? Would your answer change if A-Rod, though still at the top of his game, has announced he will retire after the season?




  1. well theres many aspects to this..if its current no way u pinch hit for a guy makin 25 million dollars...but if he is about to retire that means this is a 42 year old arod and probably not at the top of his game but it all depends on wat he did during the season cause no matter wat ur never gonna pinch hit for ur best player in game 7 of a world series.

  2. You leave him in. Any other choice would ruin your carer. Even if you won the world series, A-Rod wouldn't play for you. He would find a way to have you fired as manager. If you were going to retire, you might have to think about it, even if your pinch hitter came through every question you ever got for the rest of your life would be why didnt you let A-Rod hit? The more likely senario is you would use the pinch hitter & he would fail & you would be labeled as the stupidest move ever made by a manager in the playoffs. Regardless if A-Rod was 0 for 30 in the playoffs, no one would focus on that when they talked about it, they would say & Manage Joe Blow told the HALL OF FAME Alex Rodriguez to take a seat & put in some kid who struck on out 3 pitches. Everyone in the league would say they would have batter A-Rod because he was A-Rod. No one would even mention the fact they he couldnt hit the broad side of the barn in the playoffs that year. It would be a bad decision to sit him! :)

  3. A-rod in the 7th game of a world series? never gonna happen

  4. If you pinch hit for him and the pinch hitter doesn't come through then you'll be taking a lot of heat.

    If A-Rod bats and doesn't come through then it's all on him.  

  5. i would want to but i couldnt, even though his numbers are poor with RISP, you would get bashed by the media if the pinch hitter doesnt come through.  

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