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I am in a state of utter confusion

brought about by the guilt and despair

and certainty that Life is illusion

so real and so cruel, often so unfair .

I blame myself for things I said,

and I blame the relentless doubt

that crept insidiously and mad

over my reason, that cries and shout.

That Illusive forgiveness so rarely

inhabits the cold hearts of Humankind,

for forgiving is greatness, especially,

if the guilty are noble and kind.

I let not darkness somber my day

for true happiness just dwells so near

imploring attention, especially today,

and I smile at Life so sweet and dear.




  1. So sweet and dear

    Keep smiling at life

    For, to be forgiven

    Is not your decision

    Blame can only

    Serve to a point

    Evolution will force

    The hand to submission

    It is a chosen reality

    A visual duality

    The usual two sides

    To every story, as they say

    The preservation of an argument

    Simply a want

    for dis-engagement  

    A mathematical equation

    The multiplicity to division

    The division into subtraction

    The subtraction into elimination

    The path to connection

    The connection

    To an elongation

    A smile


    My attention, you implored

    Dear Stranger, you have it

    If I may say, in my amateur way

    Your are a fine poet

    Of which I'd like to hear

    More-so of.


  2. You write better when inspired with love, live long and well, and loved be.

  3. Thats pretty deep.

    But i liked it :)

    If you wrote this, then your extremally talented


  4. very good.:)

  5. This is how I feel to answer that..

    Sweet gentle breeze touching my heart

    as foggy as winter with feelings of love

    Fragrance of flowers never ever lasts

    Misty looking cottons on the grass..

    Deep velvet night as sunset had passed,

    Beauty of nature suddenly was dispatched,

    But still the brilliant moon and twinkling of stars

    Light up the night with a glow of love..

    It is quite simple, But this is how I truly feel in my heart eversince and this is how I really live in my very own heart.

    No matter how darkness may seem to cover up one's moment in anyone's life, There will be always light at the end. It's just because its also nature. Be always true to the heart and never feel overcomed by doubts anymore. To cherish and hold the love that you already know was true and right there before you..Then never to get deceived by fancy illusions anymore...

    Good Luck dearest..

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