
Would you please give me some advice concerning my "run down" feelings?

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I am a 52 year old male, 5' 8" tall, 207 pounds (about 40 pounds over my ideal weight).

Symptoms: I feel sluggish, lethargic, run down, and weary. My mind is sharp, but there seems to be a short delay in my physical responses to my brain's signals to do anything.

I drink several cans of Diet drinks each day in an attempt to combat the fatigue.

Exercise: I walk about 45 minutes per day at a moderate pace.

Work situation: Accountant with a very heavy work load.

I would appreciate any suggestions you may have to help me fight my disconcerting physical condition.




  1. Stop the diet drinks.  Eat an apple for a pick up during the day.  Try a vitamin B12 for 4 weeks to see if it helps you.  Lethargic oftens means a lacking of B12.  Your exercise is great.  

    When the work load gets really heavy and you see it bringing you down in your mind start saying "Praise the Lord" and keep saying "Praise the Lord."   Say it outloud at home in the morning and watch your sluggish, lethargic, rundown, weary condition change.  There really is something about Praising the Lord that changes the whole situation.

    The easiest way to get the mind straight and in order is to keep the mind on Christ.  Praise Him in the shower.  Praise Him at breakfast.  Praise Him at lunch.  Praise Him at Supper.  Praise Him before bedtime.  Whenever you take a breath - PRAISE THE LORD.  It is a miracle cure.

  2. Come on Kidd , you know where your strengh comes from, so just believe, eat healthy, get enough sleep and keep up the excersices  -  God bless  

  3. 1)  First of all, you should go to your doctor for a FULL physical checkup, including blood work and a urinalysis.  There are many physical conditions that can produce "run down" feelings, so the sooner you are diagnosed, the better.  Case in point:  a few years ago, I felt run down, but could see no explanation for it; I was getting plenty of sleep, was not diabetic or obese, and wasn't depressed.  After a specialized blood test, my doctor told me that I had Lyme disease!  If I hadn't sought treatment based on my symptom of tiredness, only God knows how far the disease would have debilitated me.

    2)  If the checkup shows no physical cause, I'd next suggest something that SOUNDS counter-intuitive:  heavier exercise!  While walking is fine, try stepping it up a little.  As a former body builder, I can attest to the fact that heavy exercise actually makes you feel as if you have more energy.  (FYI, I highly recommend the "Body for Life" program.)

    I hope this helps!

  4. stop drinking alcohol to much and try this site for the best diet you can

  5. I love swimming, try that. Keep also healthy snacks ( fruits and veggies ) near by and gaze them throughout the day for equal flow of nutrition to your body. Stay away from diet drinks, they trigger your sweet tooth and also make you to grave things that you should not eat.

    Have two vigorous 30 min exercises a day instead or one moderate 45 min

    I am firm believer of the product called Juice Plus ( you can have capsules or gummies ), but you need to find a local distributor. It really gives you what you body needs.

    Drink a lot of water. Have regular massages to get the toxins out of your body. You might want to also stay away from bad carbohydrates .

    Stay away from prescription drugs unless you really need them

  6. Have you tried anti-depressants?  They have helped me concentrate.  Your work load is enough to make you tired also.  Anti-depressants can help you sleep better too. There is nothing wrong with taking those and if they help, all the better.  Talk to your doctor.  Keep thinking of all your positive attributes too.  You have many.  

  7. anxiety is wiping your energy before you even get started in the morning.

    caffeine only aggrevates it and your streesul work load don't help either.

    try cutting out high sugar and high fat food and caffeine.

    walk vigorously for 45 minutes and try St Johns wort from a health food store.

  8. Take a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement every day, for starters.

    You'd be better off to quit the diet drinks and stay hydrated with plain water--even slight dehydration can cause lethargy. Get a giant insulated mug, fill it with ice and water, and sip from it all day long.

    Do you snore? Do you fall asleep easily during the day when not occupied? With the extra weight, you could have sleep apnea--that's when you fall asleep and reawake hundreds of times every night. Your body never gets to the restful stage of sleep when that happens.

    Unfortunately, you have to complete a sleep lab before any diagnosis or treatment can be made.

    Good luck--and if you need a pick-me-up, have an apple. The natural carbs and fiber are great for you!

  9. Suzanne is right - you need to see you GP and get blood tests done. I had to see my doctor recently because of sudden pains in my joints and a blood test result showed my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is too high. That would explain the fatigue I've been suffering from over the past year. It could also be a factor in weight gain.

    To combat fatigue, the best antidote is fresh air and vigorous exercise. I always sleep better at the weekend because I've been outdoors and clambering up hills or playing golf (albeit badly).

    Another suggestion - sugary drinks are counter-productive because your blood sugar levels will slump after you get that high (not unlike a caffine rush). Then you reach for another can and the cycle continues. Try fresh fruit instead - bananas are very good for releasing energy over a prolonged period of time. Also, brown bread with the whole grain is excellent for sustaining your energy levels.

    I know how hard it is to get enough fresh air and exercise because I spend 40 hours a week sat down in front of a PC. So make the most of your weekends! Hope you start to feel better soon.

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