
Would you please me. I am thinking of taking up a life of crime and don't know what political party to join?

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Which one do you think would be best for my newly chosen career?




  1. Leave this country (we don't need any extra

    "life of crimers"), and go to Iraq and Syria and

    become a Muslim.

  2. Studies show the vast majority of convicted felons have, do, or will vote Democrat.  Go with the crowd..

  3. Democrats. After you do your time for crimes against society they will work to get back your right to vote on how society will be run.

  4. Theres only one party to join and that would be Labour, the party where crime certainly does pay!

    They're nothing but a bunch of thieves and crooks, but of course they get away with because they call it 'expenses'.

  5. Oh come on, don't be a criminal.  More people will respect you if you're poor and law-abiding than will if you join a political party.

  6. Crooks don't vote.

    (I know I'm supposed to play along and bash the party I'm opposed to, but I find that boring)

  7. -Democrats definitely!

  8. The Mafia might be best. It would be considered a political action committee for one or both major parties.

  9. Democrat.    Google Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Barry, William Jefferson, Ted Kennedy (unindicted murderer), Alcee Hastings, Cynthia McKinney.

  10. NEITHER!!!!!!! They BOTH SUCK

  11. Hornet, you ain't going to make it with your new career I'm afraid?  That was a dumb question.  Successful crooks, give money to both parties, and then go about their business.  

  12. Republican.  Can get paid better from big biz.

  13. Go republican.  If you're a white collar criminal and steal millions, then you have a fair chance of getting a government appointment.

    And to clarify a point someone attempted to make: felons cannot vote.

  14. Join the democratic party. You can steal from the rich, commit murder by the millions and call it women's rights to choose, and lie about anything and people will believe. They are better than the genius Hitler that did the same thing.

  15. New Labour. They're a bunch of theives and criminals, so you'll be in good company.

    See you in number 10.

  16. Don't be conned by politicians. They are different horses from the same stable to con you into thinking that your vote counts, well it doesn't. Go to you tube and type in "Clinton Curtis voting machine" and you will see the inventor swearing in court that the votes are fixed.

    Go to you tube and type in "the real John McCain".

  17. I`ll gladly please you.Vote Labour.If your caught in whatever crime you com mitt they will put you in a nice comfy prison,not to far from home,then shower you with all the comforts a hard working family can`t now afford due to the credit crunch, caused by labour.You will only do half the sentence your given,even if you kill someone and on top of all that you can come out and do all the same again.I hope you have a nice life but remember day you will be old..unless your killed trying to survive this world.

  18. Republicans are perfect choice. Bush/Cheney are an outstanding candidates for a death row. You might want to join them if you wish.

  19. both will punish your but if you plead a rotten childhood, the dems will give your grants for education and welfare while you go to college at the tax payers expense.

  20. Republicans, definately join the Republicans. You can lie, steal, justify killing an entire ethnic group, invade and loot a soverign nation and all will be forgiven later if you claim to have been lead astray and then "find God".

  21. Become a Republican.   You can have no bid contracts and waste 10 billion a month on a war of choice.    You can own stock in Halliburton and get an insider view of securing a defense contract long before the other companies can bid.    You can slaughter people into the hundreds of thousands like Bush has in Iraq.   You can lie to your country about war and invade other nations in your wars of choice.   You can send 364 TONS of cash into the Middle East and have it disappear overnight.   You can deny any and all accountibility for the outcome of your incompetence when asked.   You can shoot people and have them apologize to you for it if you are hunting.    You can also hire a band of thugs and call them your administration.  

  22. Pick a party in Mexico..or Zimbabwe. You will have a better chance.

  23. If you're looking for leniency, the Dems would be your party!

  24. Depends on what type of crimes you plan on committing

    both sides have criminals.....

  25. The Convervatives?

    Why are people saying there are only 2 main parties?  The LibDems are now considered a major party, as are the Green Party.

  26. Don't sweat it none, you will be locked up in the big clank anyway and won't be able to vote. I guess if you really insist on a political party the 'jackass' would fit you just fine.

    I keep getting emails from poor little hudson hornet. He just keeps rantin' & ravin' I got him crying in his milk. He says he wants to be a criminal and he wants us to praise him for it.

    Also when I have questions I will be the one to ask, I really don't need no advice from you.

  27. Run for president of Yankee land, they are the biggest criminals in history

  28. Become a Democrat. They steal your money in the form of taxes.

  29. It should not be difficult to find an opening on either side!

  30. it doesn't matter which party, it all comes down to the benjamins.

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