
Would you prefer a silent lover or a bit of a screamer?

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Would you prefer a silent lover or a bit of a screamer?




  1. Well i always scream myself, so a screamer back would be good.

  2. I like a noisy wench.  Makes me feel like a big man!  I might even reciprocate with a Tarzan call.

  3. a silent lover...

  4. A bit of a screamer ... can't beat a show of appreciation ... ;-)

  5. silent and loud cause if your doing your business in a hotel and theres people in the other room. although if he's loud you know he likes what your doing.  

  6. Yes, I would like some sort of reaction.

  7. my guy can get he's not a screamer....but i like to know he's feeling something

  8. Screamer, definitely! It's nice to know that they are enjoying what you're doing ;)

  9. You can't beat a bit of vocal ;)

  10. Screamer all the way.  If she's too quiet, I may just quit out of sheer boredom!  Let me know what you're feeling!!

  11. I prefer a a little noise it lets you know how much they're enjoying it

  12. a lil-a-both

  13. i wouldnt mind what you did

  14. a bit of a moaner - silence is worrying.  

  15. screamer.  

  16. a bit of a screamer. even tought I do appreciate silence when the scene its more of deeply romantic mode. Sometimes when people are silent you can feel love by the sensual touch of hands and gestures in someones face and body. hands and eyes speak for themselves even when people dont say anything. I prefer the bit of a screamer because it turns me on.

  17. I am with those who say somewhere in the middle. I want to know I am doing my part to create the right sensations, but damned if I want the neighbours three blocks over to know about it.

    "Grunts are better than screams if nothing else because screaming hurts me ears"

  18. Noisier the better for me everytime!

  19. - Can't get the idea behind ur quiz.,

    - but always love to have chrippy ppl around.

  20. I like a screamer (not literally) but a bit of noise is good enough for me. Just to show that they are enjoying it...

  21. The noisier the better. Especially if they use lots of filthy language.

  22. screamer!!! =)

    silent lover = dead fish? =/  

  23. someone in between is what i prefer and it's what i've got :)

  24. cant help but scream,using bondage and a whip?????????yeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa...

  25. Somewhere in between.

    My current partner is not silent but relatively quiet.

    I must admit the one and only time I got a 'screamer', it quite freaked me out!

  26. I like a right old Howler.

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