
Would you prefer love or moral law as the reason and why?

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S0unds funny but sweet. A faithful husband was drunk,he d0esnt kn0w what was happenin ar0und him..up0n g0ing h0me,he directly entered the r0om and slept. M0rning came,with amazement on his face,everything is in order,a tablet of aspirin and a glass of water with a n0te,"g0od m0rning h0n,i'll just buy gr0ceries...have y0ur breakfast! I luv y0u." He was w0nderin' why was that s he asked his s0n,"what happened last night? Y0ur m0ther sh0uld be angry?" Son replied: "Mom tried to uncl0the you but y0u said, st0p,im married and i love my wife..

or the reason be "stop, this is not right".?

for me, loving someone is not a guarantee that one can not be tempted, but one stating that righteousness must be upheld would have more self control. In addition, there would be times when the level of love is not that strong and what if temptation chance on the time there is a conflict within the relationship? What do you think?




  1. We are not perfect creatures.

    Sometimes made a mistake.

    That's a human.

    I feel enemy lives in our own minds.

    Love has also so many faces.

    Good day !

  2. of course its better if a person remains faithful bcoz he really loves someone and not b/coz of guilt (moral issues). but watever his reasons as long as he's faithful that's good enuff.

  3. Yes, nobody is safe from temptation. That is why we ought to be on guard always.

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