
Would you prefer to marry a person who....?

by Guest62457  |  earlier

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Just wondering would you prefer to marry someone who is

A- was the same race as you

B-has an education




  1. A.

  2. b  

  3. A the same race but still he has to be intelligent.  

  4. I believe love and marriage has nothing to do with what color a person is or for that matter money

  5. well both ... i only date white guys (only ones I am attracted to for some reason) not racist just attraction to white guys.. and I like my man educated

  6. A: Because Latina's are smokin hot!!

  7. Someone who has a education. I want them to be a success in everything that they do

  8. I'll be the honest guy here and say a&b.

  9. B, I like a smart Mexican...Yes he is Mexican American people.

  10. Well, same race or educated is not much of a choice.  Is he dependable, honest, and kind?  

  11. I like someone with an education, race doesn't matter!

  12. the same race

  13. C- someone that knows how to be wife and a life partner, someone that there in the good times and the bad times,someone that is very much in love with me as i am with her such as my wife that has both a and b

  14. i think u shud include other options such as

    C- Care's

    D- Respects you

    E- Have a gud job nd pay

    F- Looks after family

  15. Intelligence is more important to me....than what race he is.

  16. b-Has a education

  17. race does not I pick B

  18. I guess A

  19. B- i'd prefer an educated man over a man my race.

  20. Race matters not to me! But then, it would be utterly foolish of me to make it matter considering I'm of 3 different races. And if you take the skin off, we're ALL the same color on the inside!

    It's all the more harder for a lot of people to find their life partner if they only date within the race.

    All my adult life I been with White guys and I'm part White. During my growing up years, had a few Black boyfriends, another race of mine. But if my soulmate happens to be someone who isn't those two races nor Native American, I'm not going to make a thing out of it! All I care is that he knows how to love and appreciate the strong woman I am.

    Just because it's someone from your race it does not automatically make that person your soulmate.

  21. B...defintly B

  22. B i like the opposite of my race and i like them smart too.

  23. B

    who cares about race, be with whoever you are attracted too

    Education is important because in the long run it cares for you and your family while physical labor isnt as doable at a  older age.

  24. B--education is oso important.

  25. it mainly depends on how hot the s*x is,which is a highly underestimated reason for marriage,and to our detriment since biologically that's why we mate in the first place.

  26. B. Educated.  Hands down.  I don't care what color they are or if they were polka dotted, if they do not have the capability of having an intelligent conversation with me and keep me intellectually interested, I am not going to marry them, or even date them for that fact.  

  27. B education

  28. I could never make a decision to marry someone solely on the basis of their race or education. Neither is that important to me. Some of the best men I know, including my dad, were uneducated but hardworking. And some of the worst men I know are the same race as me. Neither fact tells me enough about the persons heart, how trustworthy they are, what kind of father they would be, etc.

  29. I would perfer someone that I loved no matter the race or if they were stupid or not.......

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