
Would you prefer to take a vacation in the mountains or at the ocean?

by Guest33971  |  earlier

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Would you prefer to take a vacation in the mountains or at the ocean?




  1. The ocean forgives all ! (Not like those mountains !) I hate them so much.

  2. Ocean

  3. fer a mountain u should take  good grip shoes and drinks and a snack. fer the ocean a bathing suit.

  4. On a cruise, The ULTIMATE vacation!

  5. The mountains.  The ocean is fun, but it's the same thing day after day.

  6. I don't have a preference - I like them both. I can see the Alps and the Apennines from where I live, but it's only a couple of hours to get to wither the Adriatic or Ligurian Seas. This year, I've already made trips to the Austrian Alps and to Scheveningen beach in the Netherlands. Both types of environments have interesting things to see and do.

  7. Mountains, but I'd like to live by the ocean.

  8. well i live in FL so i am around oceans all the time. so i would perfer to go to the mountians yeah. the beach is nice sometimes though. :)

  9. The ocean since the mountains are right out my window.

  10. The mountains since I live on the ocean...

  11. Mountains > ocean

  12. ocean...was born and raised in cape cod mass...lived in seen both spectrums....for grandeur go for the rockies...for absolute diversity and tranquility....ya cant beat the

    rhythimic  pulse of  of the world breathing  that comes from the oceans

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