
Would you propose again in marriage with the same woman after she turned you down when you first asked her?

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If yes, why? if not, why give her up?




  1. if your still together, but she turned you down the first time, maybe she has some valid reasons on her own, like, she wants to be this or that before she gets married.

    so if she turns you down for 2nd time, ask her why, and if you really love her, tell her that you could wait.

    if you really love her.

    it doesn't make sense when you don't.

    and so if she loves you back, she'd agree anyway, because you proved to her that you really love her.

    if i was rejected, then, is it the end of my world?

    as long as i live, there is hope!

  2. i will try again coz maybe first time she wasn't ready yet.

  3. This is very Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova. So I think yes, not that I am to propose to a woman since I am a woman and I would like a man to do that to me, but she might have said no for the previous times because she's just not ready yet. Over time, she can prepare and enter the engaged life.  

  4. Negative.

    Means the woman had me made the first time, and it would be useless to try for the second time.    I'm lucky she let me off the hook the first time.  Let's not press our luck.  

  5. I would if she still have those qualities that I want. No if some of the situation are changed few years back "most of the time they are". I can only fall in love and hurt one time with the same person. One time is more than enough for me to learn. Believe in destiny that theres gonna be someone out there for you.  

  6. nope not me ..why ? the first time should have done it..why ask again?seeeee  yaaaaa !!!

  7. if she turned down my proposal with firmness and she doesn't love me anymore, then there is no reason for me to ask again unless she has valid reasons e.g. health, studies, opportunities, etc.  plus of course with certainty that she is still madly in love with me.

  8. It really depends on why she said no the first time and whether the circumstances have changed since then.  

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