
Would you pull this trade? Lakers-Cavs-Kings?

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  1. No the kings and the ///////cavs are giving up to much talent

  2. no...bad trade..the cavs wouldnt trade lebron

  3. no way, cavs dont even get S**t

  4. It is extremely tempting to say yes just because, eventhough I hate the Lakers, having Lebron and Kobe on the same team would be unbelievable. On a realistic side, Cleveland is getting absolutely nothing. You cannot and I repeat CANNOT replace a Lebron James and the Cavs need him to atleast be a decent team.

  5. Don't need to look my answer is no!

  6. i would never trade lebron

  7. I doubt the Cavs are dumb enough to give up LeBron like that.

    But if we can get Gasol for Kawme, than a Odom for LeBron swap isn't impossible.

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