
Would you put up a fence in your back yard if you hated your neighbor?

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My back yard neighbor is the nosiest, most opinionated, annoying jerk you could ever dread having for a neighbor. I'm sorely tempted to put up a privacy fence just so I don't have to see him anymore. Or am I going overreacting?




  1. Nope not at all I hate my neighbor I wish he can be driven away from his house.  Put up the fence, because your home shouldn't be a social scene with the drama and such.  We take to much of it at school, work, public, social gatherings with your friends etc. etc.  

    The home is your getaway from reality a place to relax and be your true self not a place to experience more drama from a neighbor.

  2. had the same problem

    put up the fence and he took a hint

    now he's a bit quieter then he used to be

  3. id put up the fence

  4. We've never waited to see what the neighbors were like.  We've always put up a privacy fence as soon as we moved into a house.  Then you feel free to use your yard any way you want without nosy neighbors commenting.

  5. no i would get my besuka and blow them up

  6. If you can afford it,go ahead.I like my neighbors,but I'd get a fence if I could afford it.It could give more options for gardening.But it's expensive.

  7. Thats exactly what I did.

    Life in my backyard has never been better.

  8. I would put up a fence.  If I had to stare at that jack *** every day I would probably kill him.  Keep in mind that he will most certainly take the fence as a personal insult, but who cares.  s***w that jack *** and put up your privacy fence.  I would say reason with the guy, but he sounds like a hard core douche bag... and you can't reason with hard core douche bags.  PUT UP DA FENCE... seriously, do it  : D

  9. oh iit

  10. Definately! Annoying neighbors suck man! Sorry for ya!

  11. its your house...u pay for it, and he doesnt....put up the fence or deal with his c**p.......

    good luck..........

  12. I would put up a fence for sure.  Even when he's not being a jerk for a minute I imagine that you have to see him walking around out there and it probably gets you mad just looking at him..out of sight, out of mind.

  13. yes a tall one

  14. Good fences make good neighbors.  Go for it.  If he starts coming around the fence, then you can tell him that there is a reason you put up the fence.

  15. I would definitely consider a fence.  

  16. Oh man. A privacy fence! That's brilliant! But make sure you get the kind that you can't peek through. We can see our neighbors (The Grouch's) right between the boards of our fence. And it's just too short. I can still the tops of their crabby little heads.

  17. no get a doggy to go eat them :P naa jking

    umm well if there coming in ur yard then ya if they bother u then just get a pet dog to put in ur yard if they do ne thing the dog will baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark  

  18. you should do it, we put up bushes. it sucks we still have to hear them screaming though...  

  19. no your not.

    i understand what you are saying.

    i would put up one of those

    really tall fences so you cant see him.

    but chances are you will still be able to here

    him a little.

  20. We have neighbors behind us, the vacks of our houses facing each other, and their family is truely aweful. We live in a nice neighborhood, but they are an attrocious family. They often do drugs, always fight and yell and hit each other, and beat their dog on a daily basis. We have complained to every one in a higher athority dealing with situations like these, but they do nothing. So what could we do?

    First we put up a fence. But because both houses are two stories, over alf of there house was still exposed (nasty looking home too) and from the upstairs you could still see right into their home and witness all the awefull things they do, we needed another solution. We looked to wonderful bamboo! yes, thats right, bamboo!!

    It grew so tall that we never have to see them again.

    All along the fence we put it, it was pricey but grows relatively fast.

    As for your situation, yes, put up a fence.  

  21. Yes, if I lived in a house I would do it.

    I have neighbors like him/her I would put the fence to avoid having to see him/her when he/she comes out of his/her house.

    Putting the fence can help you to isolate from him/her.

    If you put it it's not his/her problem (your neighbour), so do it!

  22. no, you are not over reacting, if he asks why, tell him you want to get a dog soon...

  23. Yes, I would.

  24. Of course. Putting up a fence is the smartest thing to do in this situation.

  25. your neighbor doesn't have the right to make you feel uncomfortable on your own property.  get that fence asap

  26. I would.

    A full blown 6-foot wooden fence would do it.

    You're paying for your house, you deserve to be happy in it!

    You can't pick your neighbours. It's not your fault you're stuck with a jerk. But you CAN remedy this... with a privacy fence. :)

    Also... if he comes over, put up a (locking from the inside) wooden gate. Just make sure, like the fence, that it's the ultra-privacy so he can't poke his annoying eye through the holes.

    By locking from the inside I mean something he can't be rude, open it, and come over.

  27. Privacy fences don't do much to combat noise.  I suggest both a fence and a tall hedge.

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