
Would you put up with this?

by  |  earlier

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i was getting ready to b intimate with my bf a little while ago...i asked him if my gap was alright....he looked and said the grand canyon has nothing on me....

would you b mad?




  1. I don't know about mad. But I'd ask if he thought he was able to "fill the gap"

  2. What do you mean by gap?

  3. I would slap him upside the head. Oh my god. I sure hope he was joking. I'd be so pissed.

  4. probably he was joking

  5. Oh, god. I'd be furious, I hope he meant it as a joke. If not, get rid, he sounds like a jerk.

  6. Yes! Tell that loser that hes a jerk and needs to think before he speaks!

  7. Let the truth set you free.

    If he was truthful it's your problem not his.

  8. smack him  and say you could not feel him and a ant hill has something on him

  9. Not only would I be pissed I would have knocked his block off.  Guys think it is so funny to put their girl down and for no other reason than to make themselves feel better.  Tell him you need a magnifying glass and tweezers to find his "tool".

  10. lol- Actually, that's kind of funny. I would have laughed.  

  11. hopefully he was joking

  12. I wouldn't say that... it's rather rude, and depending on if you really want to have a bf that will actually CARE for you the way they are supposed to, then you may not wanna stay with him

    But if it was a joke, Its all you...  Just hope it was

  13. id slap him. that kind of stuff play with your feelings and emotions. because of that you may lose self confidense. and if you need counseling make sure hes aware and guilty. i hate men.

  14. yes lol ,would be really mad

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