
Would you put your child in a nappy if they have bad diareagh ?

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hi my daughter is 10 and had diareagh last night when she woke me up at about 11 pm. she had soiled her bed and was upset. i cleaned it up and luckily had some pampers active fit in the house for emergencys. so i put one on her and told her it would be better than waking up in poo. so i put it on her after cleaning her up. in the morning i changed her and she had,had more was very quite runny and smelly. she didnt feel ill anywhere else and we had planned on going shopping, she begged me t take her and i said well if we do go you will HAVE to wear these nappies so she agreed even though she didnt want to wear the nappies. so we went and i changed her in the baby change. but after being there an hour she didnt feel well so we come home and i just changed her about every couple fo hours. But if she knew she needed to go she told me and i changed her and let her use the loo. nobody knew she had nappies on until my mum poppe din and saw her nappies and after staring of quite suprised with the idea she agreed it was a good idea! it let my daughter get some sleep without panicking she would wake up in poo!

do you agree ???




  1. You changed your 10 year old on the baby changing table?


  2. When I was 10 I never wore those.The ONLY time I almost soiled myself when I was a kid was when I was 10.Fortuneately I was on the toilet and  had diahrea and vomited atthe same time.Other than that,I did soil myself at the age of 18 when I got food poisoning.

    I made it home, cleaned up and was able to get to the bathroom.However whenever I ahd  the runs, I usually knew when I needed to go to the bathroom before it was too late.

  3. Oh c' real parent would put a 10 year old in diapers that was that sick and take them out in public.  Who are you kidding?

  4. No problems with the nappies if your daughter didn't, but that poo problem is VERY serious. You need to get your daughter to a doctor if ti's that bad. she could end up seriously dehydrated and damage her kidneys. SHe should have plenty of water and rehydration salts. Forget shopping - get her to a doctor!

  5. i think that is fine i would rather go in a diaper than all over my sheets and i am 17

    my nephew is 4 he is potty trained but has the runs sometimes we put a diaper on him

    as long as she is not embarassed than she should be fine

    i had a friend in 2nd grade that wore diapers she was not potty trained but could change her own diapers at school

  6. is your daughter 10 years old ? with not learning difficulties i presume then why on earth would you even sagest  putting a nappy on her how embarrassing for her   soiling the beds is a pain but don't put a nappy on her that's just nasty it will pass on its own and if she,s awake she will be OK  s+d only last 24 hours on average

  7. If her diarrhea was so bad that she needed nappies, she should not have been out in public.  Whatever was causing her diarrhea could have been something contagious.  By changing her nappy on the baby changing table, you could have contaminated the table and caused the next babies to be changed there to get sick.  You would also have contaminated the lever or the k***s when you turned on the sink to wash your hands.

    Even without a fever or vomiting, diarrhea is still symptom that something in the body is infected or simply not working properly.  Dehydration occurs rapidly in children with diarrhea.  Without appropriate medical care, dehydration can cause any number of other problems, some of which don't go away.

    Are the nappies appropriate for a 10-year-old with a poo problem?  Of course they're fine - you're protecting your furniture and giving your daughter a bit of extra peace of mind, since she knows she can get to the loo without dripping watery poo down her legs.  But if get her to a doctor.  Diarrhea to this extent needs to be evaluated and treated, and quickly.

  8. Are you some kind of perve that has an obsession with changing kids diapers???

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