
Would you rate Argentina a good place to retire? Why? What cities? Thanks for your information.?

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  1. Yes it is a good place to retire. . . .providing you come from a country with a higher standard of living.

    The Argentinians are well educated, sophisticated and they live very much like Europeans do

    First piece of advice:  Do not convert your investments or accounts to their system, keep it where you are and move funds to you on a monthly basis.

    The big cities Bs As is fine just like any other place.  There are smaller cities and more rural areas in the Pampas. . . .do you want solitude or hum-drum, up to you.

    I have been there on several trips and find it much like a European atmosphere.  I also have often thought to settle in either Argentina or Chile. . . .don't even try to compare them to Mexico or other Central American countries.

  2. Well, I hear that Argentina has had a LOT of political and economic instability, and who knows? THey may try to re-do the entire value of their moentary system.

    Plus, The Presiden'ts apparently in bed with Hugo Chavez, so let's not and say we didn't OK?

  3. Check the following website, it is written by Americans living in other parts of the world.  Check what they have to say about Argentina. I have only visited Argentina and loved it, but this was many years ago...

    Hope this helps.

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